Title: In and Outside the Octagon
Author: berryblue_girl
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Warnings: Modern AU, mentions of MMA-related violence and language
Summary: Nasir interviews Agron and Duro Krueger, two of the UFC's newest recruits. But things between Nasir and Agron don't end when the interview does.
Disclaimer: I don't own the series or the characters. They belong to Starz and the all-mighty Steven DeKnight. I'm just playing with them.
Author's Notes: This is my first story for this fandom! *nervous smile* This story was inspired by a Tumblr conversation between myself and my new buddy, ancgangsta. We talked about the great fics where Agron was a MMA fighter and how we wished that they were go into more detail on the MMA aspect. Originally this was supposed to be a drabble, but...yeah. So special thanks to ancgangsta for the idea and inspiration and apeirophobia-andtheidesofmarch for answering some of my MMA questions! Okay, enough yakking! Enjoy!
Link to the Story:
Chapter One