new journal: check. new person: in progress

Jan 30, 2006 22:49

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and's good to be back. back in warm, comforting embrace of livejournal. oh how i've missed you, and your high school drama, ranting, stupid song lyrics, and not so personal entries that we choose to confide with the public for shameless self promotion. so, why am i coming back? well, the fact of the matter is, to be honest, is that i missed writing. however, let me begin by enlightening on why i left in the first place... for me was my juvinile way of bitching and wailing on how i felt my life was a mess when in reality, i had nothing to bitch about. it was true that by writing in that journal, and by writing in this one now, that i looked, and continue to look, for a certain amount of attention. we all do, or else we wouldn't write. now, let me back track for a minute. i mentioned in the last sentence, LJ was my way of ranting about how i felt my life sucked. now, as i admitted, my life didn't really suck, but the fact that i openely flooded anger, concern, joy, sadness, regret, etc, onto the eyes and imaginations of my peers, i was showing, in a passive agressive way, that i was unhappy with my life, and needed the comments of others to get me from day to day, as i was unwilling to resolve matters for myself.

i believe that livejournal became the eventual head of my arrogant, brat like mind last spring. as you might recall, i complained a lot about this struggling relationship i was having with my parents. looking back on it now, it was nothing more than a meer case of separation anxiety on both parts that resulted in my hatred of them. after looking back on my entries, and finding the fault in my ways, i chose to delete my journal because i felt that it did myself, nor anyone else, any good. with confidence, i clicked the "delete account" button on my mouse with a smile across my face, convinced i had hit the achiles heel of the issue. however, i soon found myself drawn again, in the form of anonymous comments, back to the familiarity that was finally, after some thought, i decided to open up the rusty folder of livejournal stored away in a deep, dark place and start anew. however, this time, my intention was different.

i understood the reason why i felt the need to start an account again was that i missed writing. that and i think it's quite pathetic i'm forced to leave anonymous comments as form of communication. none the less, i still missed writing. i missed expressing what i thought onto my computer, yes so people will read them, but also so i can look at what i'm saying, and go from there. now, you might believe that this is a little too in depth for a mediocre online blog account, and you may be right. regardless, i've decided to try it again and this time keep one thing in mind...

these entries, like myself, are works in progress.
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