It's been a long day's ... erm ... year?

Nov 01, 2012 09:07

Actually more than a year since I posted here.  Yeesh!

I basically shifted life to Twitter - and I sometimes peek in on Facebook.  Blogging just sort of slid down, down, down the list, until I just noticed it was about to fall off.  LOL!  I wasn't sure I wanted that to happen, so I here I am.

I don't even know how many of you from my former friends list will still get this - or even read it - but here it is.  I am sending it out into the Interwebs like a message in a bottle to the ocean.  There are no guarantees.

So what has this past year+ looked like?  Chaos.  Last fall I pulled my youngest son from traditional school and re-enrolled him in the district's home study program.  My oldest is still attending the local high school - although they recently turned into a charter.  NOT a for-profit charter, thank goodness.  We are still accessing how it's working out, as they've just finished their first quarter.

I have had various health concerns, but the fog seems to be lifting - and answers materializing.  Finally.

And I've been depressed, to put it bluntly.  Dealing with a range of issues, along with my older son's learning problems and my homeschooling my youngest, took its toll on me.  I am seeing someone, lest anyone worry.

My writing, or artwork of any kind, pretty much screeched to a halt, as did my social life.  Not unexpected for someone who is depressed, but probably also not suprisingly, this has created some guilt on my part, and further contributed to my depression.

Layers and layers, eh?

But today is a new day, and I am being the best me I can be right now.

How is everyone else doing?

catch-up, writing, depression, news

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