Title: Cartoon Heroes
Series: Sgt. Pepper Universe
darth_stitch & Sparrow
Fandom: A-Team Movie Verse, various crossovers
Characters: Hannibal, Face, Murdock, B.A.
Rating: 14A, Slash, CRACKTASTIC FUN
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and it was written in fun!
Earlier storiesAuthor’s Note: I just want to thank stitch for letting me play in her 'verse! It was a fun experience!
Summary: Murdock has a bit of an accident with his Uncle Fred's inventions and is promptly zapped into chibi childhood cuteness. The rest of his team are doomed to cuteness overdose. Crackfic set in the Sgt. Pepper universe, Playlist Side C. Written together with
Story Here.