Phonetic Spelling Can Be Fun!

Jul 10, 2010 01:43

So, I'm not too sure how many people have seen the A-Team movie on my flist here, but....


There's a certain scene in the movie where Face is trapped in some tires, you've probably seen it in the trailer and he's waiting for Hannibal to rescue him and he taunts the bad guy by telling him, he's forgetting something and he proceeds to shout out:

Alpha! Mike! Foxtrot!!

"Adios, Mother-Fu..." (this is where the van crashes into the fence and Hannibal and BA rescue Face)

And a few days ago in a fic, I saw, "Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot." "WTF"

This amused me greatly, so I thought...what else can I do with the phonetic alphabet and internet speak? :D

Link to the Phonetic Alphabet

And a few internet speak words, phoneticsized! :D

Lima Oscar Lima = LOL
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot = WTF
Alpha Foxtrot Kilo = AFK
Romeo Oscar Foxtrot Lima Mike Alpha Oscar = ROFLMAO

Of course, these are only a few, but please, comment with your own phonetic internet speak! :D

Lima Oscar Lima!

internet speak, phonetic alphabet

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