Series: Connor Temple: Wizard
Author: Sparrow
Fandom: Primeval and Harry Potter
Characters: Connor Temple
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Primeval or Harry Potter; I just like playing in their ‘verses.
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for those who have not read any of the Harry Potter Series. Basic understanding of the Primeval ‘verse.
Summary: You're a Wizard, Connor Temple.
Hogwarts Years
The Wand Chooses the Wizard [First Year] - The Temple’s are brought to Diagon Alley and Connor gets his wand.
Letters to Home I [First Year]. Connor writes a letter to his Mum about his first day of classes at Hogwarts.
Season 1 Primeval
Starting Points. Connor Temple’s life will never be the same again and it’s just not about dinosaurs.
A Squib and A Wizard Meet [After Hogwarts] - It’s a couple of days after the Forest of Dean and Connor gets called into Lester’s office and all he can wonder is, why?