So instead of Friday Fandom Fic Rec, it's been changed to Fandom Friday. lol
I'm going to be more diligent about posting stuff on friday, fic recs, video recs, etc. Pretty much whatever catches my eye!
I hope people like what I put up, so enjoy! :)
Every Friday post up to a max of 5 fics you want to rec once a week. Give links to the story, links to the author, a summary and a short blurb of why you recommend the fanfic to your friends.
I Wrote This Song For You by
jezzabe &
sinuous_curveSummary: This little hiccup wasn't included in Spencer's life plan. But she was an easy going person, so she'd roll with it.
One of the first Panic GSF fics that I ever read and it had Spencer and Brendon as girls! Such an awesome little fic of what happens when you're famous, are in an orgy and pregnant. If that's not your cup of tea, then read it for the character development. ;)
After the Music by
Gemini999Summary: Brent knew leaving Panic would be hard, but he never thought it would be this hard.
There's not a lot of Brent (first bass player of Panic) fics out there and most don't shade him in a particular favourable light. But this fic shows what do you do with your life after you've been famous and kicked out of the band. It gives you a wonderful indepth look into Brent's head and his thoughts on coming back to the 'real world'. There is also some slight Brent/Bob Bryar as well.
Your Wish Is Granted by
ignipesSummary: "Spencer," Brendon said slowly, looking at each of them in turn, "what exactly did you wish for?"
Spencer made a wish and suddenly there's three of him. A hilarious read and when Spencer comes back together you feel so bad for him as well.
Adaptable to Change by
arsenicjadeSummary: There are things Mikey can't talk about. Spencer's pretty observant.
WARNING! WARNING! RAPE FIC AND IT'S AFTERMATH! If you have triggers, please do not click the link. I'm only reccing this fic, because it shows the character picking themselves up and putting the pieces of their life back together. The author does a wonderful job in building the person back up, not to how they used to be, but how they can be.
Aliens in Chicagoland by
MahoniSummary: Bob is prepared to defend his backyard from evil ninjas the summer after kindergarten, but what he gets is a monster, a Doctor and a pair of Ponds.
Mini-Bob! With his dog! How can you not love a mini-Bob with his dog and The Doctor?
Various You Tube Videos
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This was recced to me by
jennytork and I wished to share it all with everyone.
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If you look up Twist and Pulse on youtube, you'll find they won Britan's Got Talent in 2010. I find them awesome and very talented1 I hope you enjoy!
A Picture!