Fic: When I Come Home (Crossover, Bandom (My Chemical Romance)/Doctor Who, 14A) [3/4]

Aug 27, 2011 00:58

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Brian lost sense of time in the TARDIS. He didn’t know how long he’d be in the TARDIS, just that they did a lot of running and seemed to run into the strangest things.

A lot of the places they went to were for parts for Bob to build his analyzer. But they also ran into trouble.

Yeah, a lot of trouble. Brian thought as he stomped toward the TARDIS.

Bob was trailing behind him, a part in one hand and looking chagrined. “I am so sorry about that, Brian. I had no idea the Ilk would do that to you.”

Spinning on his heel, Brian crossed his arms under his chest. “I currently have boobs and a vagina, Bob.”

“They only did that to you because they thought you were my mate and the wrong gender,” Bob explained as he dug a toe into the dirt. “It’ll wear off in a few days.”

Wordlessly snarling, Brian turned back around as he stalked toward the ship, flipping off his middle finger back to Bob. “Few days, my new crotch!”

Keeping quiet Bob followed the new female, but only for a few days, back onto the TARDIS.


Bob was running full tilt towards the TARDIS, hoodie flapping behind him as he carried his precious cargo.

“Mrrr!” the cat in Bob’s arms cried out.

“Quiet, Brian!” Bob hissed as he sped up; he was almost there. “I’ll be able to change you back inside.”

“MROW!!” Brian cried out as he dug his claws in.

Snarling, Bob launched himself toward a tree and disappeared inside as a few arrows hit the dirt where he was just standing.

Within seconds the tree disappeared with a wheezing grinding sound.


“I have tentacles, Bob,” Brian complained as one of the tentacles maneuvered forward and grabbed Bob’s wrist. “TENTACLES!”

“It’s just an allergic reaction to the atmosphere here,” Bob explained.

“So how come you don’t have tentacles?”

“Because I’m not human,” Bob explained and tried to detangle himself from Brian’s wandering tentacles. “They’ll go away in a week or so.”

Brian just groaned as a tentacle came up and patted his cheek.


“Why don’t these things happen to you?” Brian complained.

“Because I’m awesome?” Bob grinned and then ducked the wing that almost hit him in the head.

Brian glared at Bob as the black wings arched up. “I have wings, Bryar.”

“Beautiful plumage,” Bob snickered.

Growling, Brian headed back to the TARDIS and called over his shoulder. “Let me guess! It’ll go away in a few days.”

“Something like that, Schechter!” Bob called back.


Bob sighed as he grabbed the wandering hand going for his ass and gave it back to Brian. "We talked about this, Schechter."

"But Bob, you're so pretty!" Brian giggled and hugged Bob around the mid section.

It was a harmless plant that the locals used all the time as a spice in their daily foods. But when combined with a human physiology, it acted almost like a love potion to use a crude term, and it made the affected person really affectionate.

A hand crept up and started to pet Bob's chest. Sighing again, Bob stilled the hand, but kept it there and herded Brian toward the TARDIS.

Once they got into the TARDIS, he could hopefully metabolize the plant faster in Brian's system. But for now, he had a grabby affectionate friend who was going to be so embarrassed later on.

A smirk crept across Bob's lips, when he got inside, he'd get the TARDIS to start recording. Chuckling, Bob could only think one thing-blackmail.

Yelping as Brian's other hand grabbed at his ass, Bob quickened his pace to where he last parked his time ship.


They don’t talk about the sentient alien space cows.


There’s a blood oath involved and a promise to put it out of their minds completely.


The space soap bubbles were weird as well, but that’s another story they don’t talk about either.


It was another planet and another part. Some of the items he needed were getting harder and harder to find, even with a time ship to go when and where he wanted.

Brian was passed out on one of the couches, exhausted from their latest excursion. Apparently being a sacrifice to the locals God was tiring.

Poor guy.

Bob shook his head and decided he’d do something nice for his friend. Going over, Bob pulled out Brian’s Sidekick from his pants pocket and took it over to the console. Grabbing a cable, he plugged the phone into the board and went to work. When he was done, Brian would be able to get service wherever he was.

Bob fiddled with the settings and pushed a few buttons and then moved one of the faders on the board up, causing the phone to chirp with a series of whistles and beeps, before it vibrated and went still.

The phone then furiously vibrated as Bob looked at the screen.

7 New Text Messages Missed. The phone proclaimed.

Feeling curious, Bob went to the message screen and saw they were from Mikey. Frowning, he started to read the messages.

bri, now wld b good time to pick up phone

pls pick up nao!!

brian!! need help!!

smthng wrong w/gee & the guys

cnt fake being 1 of them ne-more, so tired

theyre possessed or smthng by aliens!


Bob’s blue eyes grew wider as he read each message, and something clicked in his head. It also explained a few things before he was let go slash fired from My Chem-the constant belittling, the snide remarks and finally a band meeting to discuss his future.

His eyes widened as he remembered a three-day migraine. Did they try to possess him too, and it didn’t take and that’s why they kicked him out?

His band had been fucking possessed by aliens, and he didn’t notice because he was too human then and too ignorant. But now, now he could do something about this and rescue Mikey and the others.

Quickly walking over to Brian, Bob kicked the man in the leg. “Wake up, fucker!”

“NO! I don’t want to be sacrificed!” Brian cried out as he woke up. Looking up at Bob, Brian blinked a couple of times and rubbed his eyes. “What’s going on?”

Bob tossed Brian his phone. “I souped it up and oh yeah, read your messages. We have to go rescue Mikey and free the others.”

Brian looked confused as he caught his phone and thumbed through the messages. Hazel eyes widened at each message. “Possessed?”

“It explains a few things from before,” Bob muttered darkly as he headed over to the console and sent the TARDIS into the vortex.

“Before?” Brian inquired as he stumbled slightly from the TARDIS entering the vortex.

Bob waved Brian off. “Not yet, Brian. I just have suspicions, and when we go rescue Mikey, I’ll be able to explain better.”

Brian pointed at Bob. “You better.”


The TARDIS landed with a gentle thump, and the two headed out the front door. The sun shone brightly on them and they looked around, realizing they were in the desert. Looking around, they saw an abandoned diner behind them with a gas station off to the side.

It almost looked like a movie set of some sort as they eyed various vans tucked to the side and out of the way, and a couple of tents were off to the side.

“Where the hell are we?” Brian muttered as he shaded his eyes with a hand.

Bob pulled out an iPhone from his hoodie pocket and pressed a thumb to the screen. “Looks like we’re in the desert in California.”

“Why would Mikey be here?” Brian wondered aloud as they started to walk amongst the dust and dirt and buildings.

Bob shrugged. “No idea.”

They continued to walk for a few more minutes, eyeing an abandoned Trans-Am car and vending machines, and everywhere they went, it was empty.

“I really don’t like this, Bob,” Brian muttered. “It’s too empty.”

“And that usually means trouble,” Bob muttered back.

“You know, it almost looks like an abandoned movie set,” Brian suddenly comment.

Bob gestured at a set of lights and cameras put off to the side. “I think you’re right.”

Idly kicking at a loose rock, they continued walking around the diner building when Bob stopped them short. Flattening himself to the side of the building, Brian following suit. Bob looked around the side and his lips pressed into a hard thin line.

Brian tapped Bob on the shoulder. “What’s going on?” he whispered.

“I found the guys and they have Mikey surrounded,” Bob whispered to Brian.


They crept low and to the ground as they hid behind some large white tub like bins.

“We just want to talk, Mikey,” Ray’s voice called out.

“It’ll be all right, Mikey,” Gerard’s voice said.

“Doesn’t hurt one little bit,” Frank’s voice now said.

“You’re not my band! You’re not my friends or my brother!” Mikey yelled aloud.

Laughter echoed around them, and it sounded wrong.

Brian shuddered. “Jesus.”

Muttering under his breath, Bob pulled out his iPhone and started to furiously tap on it with his fingers.

“Seriously!” Brian whispered fiercely at Bob and punched the drummer in the shoulder. “Mikey’s in trouble and you’re tapping away on your iPhone?”

“Gee! You need to fight!” Mikey cried out.

“Schechter, shut up,” Bob growled at him as he continued to tap away at his phone.

“Screw this shit,” Brian muttered and started to get up, but was halted by Bob gripping his arm. “Five more seconds, Brian,” Bob stated, fingers furiously moving.

Slowly counting to five, Brian was about to get up and tell Bob to fuck off when a high-pitched beeping noise sounded from Bob’s iPhone.

Screams sounded from Gerard, Ray and Frankie that startled Brian so much he stood up. Brian looked at the area where they had surrounded Mikey and saw the trio were on the ground holding their heads in agony as Bob quickly moved from behind the bins and toward the stunned bassist.

Brian quickly followed.

Mikey Way in his red jacket, yellow and black striped shirt and black pants looked at them with wide, scared eyes. “Bob? Brian?” he asked incredulously.

Brian pulled Mikey into a hug. “You scared the shit out of me with those texts, Mikeyway.”

Pulling away from the hug, Mikey cautiously approached Bob and looked at the former drummer up and down.

Sighing, Bob pulled Mikey into a hug. “Missed you, Mikeyway.”

“Missed you too, Bob,” Mikey replied and sighed in relief as he held onto Bob a bit longer.

The others started to stir on the ground and a moaning sound caught Bob’s attention as he looked down. He looked back up at Mikey. “C’mon Mikey, time to go,” Bob ordered as he grabbed Mikey’s arm and pulled him forward.

Mikey let himself be dragged forward, following Bob and Brian. Their pace quickened as they half jogged half walked toward a vending machine on the side of the diner.

“What are you doing?” Mikey asked in confusion, dragging his heels a little. “It’s just a prop for the music video shoot.”

“Trust us,” Brian told Mikey and pushed the bassist toward the vending machine and watched as Mikey disappeared inside with a yelp. Bob and Brian quickly followed suit.

They rushed past the confounded musician as Bob and Brian headed to the mixing board controls. Various buttons and levers were pushed and pulled and adjusted and the TARDIS took off with a rumble into the Time Vortex.

“What the hell was that?” Brian yelled at Bob and pointed at the door. “What the hell was wrong with them?”

“I don’t know,” Bob scowled darkly. “But I’m going to find out.” He then started toward Mikey, who was standing still and looking around everywhere.

“Mikey?” Bob asked in concern and lightly touched Mikey on the arm.

Blinking, Mikey looked at Bob. “We’re in a spaceship.”

“Technically a time ship,” Bob corrected. “It’s called a TARDIS.”

“Time ship,” Mikey repeated flatly and blinked rapidly. In Mikey language, he was freaking out.

Three, two, one. Bob thought and then watched Mikey gasp.

“What the fucking fuck, Bob?” Mikey yelled and flailed around about a bit. “How the hell did you and Brian get a fucking time ship?” Then his eyes widened. “Are you two aliens?” He started to back up a bit toward the door.

“Mikey, hey,” Bob’s voice softened, hands held out. “Brian’s not an alien, but I am.”

Mikey started shaking his head, “No, no, no, and no!” He bolted toward the TARDIS’s doors and flung them open to escape. He pin wheeled at the edge and looked at the stars outside of the TARDIS.

“We’re in space,” Mikey said in a small voice.

Bob came up behind Mikey. “Yeah.”

Mikey turned around and looked at Bob. Hands came up and touched Bob’s face, manipulating the skin, and fingers ran through his hair. They came down and tugged on the lip ring a little as the hands ran over Bob’s shoulders and then settled on Bob’s chest.

Eyes widened. “You have two hearts.” Mikey leaned in to listen to the heartbeats.

“I do.”

Mikey looked into Bob’s blue eyes. “Have you always been an alien?”

Bob waved his hand. “Yes and no.”

“Well? What is it? Yes or no?”

Bob sighed and pulled Mikey into the TARDIS, closing the doors. “I was born a Time Lord and then something happened to me. I was de-aged and turned human. I grew up human and thought I was human.” Bob shrugged. “You’ve met my mom. I have been nothing but Robert Nathaniel Cory Bryar to her, since the day she adopted me.”

“So, the alien thing is a recent but old development,” Mikey pondered aloud and tried to wrap his head around this new fact.


Mikey ran a hand through his hair.

“We okay, Mikeyway?”

Nodding, Mikey headed over to one of the leather couches and sat down, hands clasped over his knees. Brian headed over to Mikey and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Mikey leaned into the touch and tears trailed down his cheeks.

Bob came over and sat down on the table in front of Mikey and Brian. “You ready to tell us what happened?”

Sniffling, Mikey wiped away his tears and tucked himself into Brian’s side. “It started when we first started recording for the new album, the one before Danger Days.” He gestured at Bob. “You remember.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“I remember a migraine that lasted me three days,” Mikey admitted. “We all had them. But after, it was after that everything was different.” Bob nodded as Mikey continued. “It was like I was there, but I wasn’t there. I could move and control myself, but every once in a while there’d be something else speaking through me or controlling me.” He looked up at Bob, tears prickling at his eyes. “I didn’t mean to call you those things, honest, Bob!” Mikey pulled himself from Brian’s grasp and drew Bob into a hug.

Bob returned the hug and lightly ran his hand up and down Mikey’s back. “I know, Mikeyway.”

Sniffling, Mikey drew back and into the couch, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. “It was like I was being controlled by a Yeerk or something. You remember that Animorph book series and TV show?” Mikey shrugged. “I’m not exactly sure what happened next, but I was me again. I was in control.” He then looked at Bob through his fringe of blond hair. “And then you were gone, Bob. The others talked about it, said it didn’t take with you. Whatever was done to us, you were okay.”

“Alien physiology at work even when I was human,” Bob smirked a little.

“Wish I had a little bit of that,” Mikey said softly and then sighed. “I pretended to be one of them for a while there. We finished the Danger Days album, released the single Na Na Na and we were just working on the music video for it when they figured me out.” He started to sniffle. “I think they were going to try and infect me again or kill me.”

Bob sighed and patted Mikey’s foot. “We’re going to figure this out, Mikey and why you stopped being possessed.”

Mikey shrugged and poked Bob’s hand with his big toe. “Weird brain chemistry? My meds acting up again? I don’t know!”

“Hey!” Bob grabbed Mikey’s foot again and shook it lightly. “We. Will. Figure. This. Out.”

Mikey nodded slowly, not sure if he believed the former drummer.


In the medical room of the TARDIS, Mikey Way laid flat out on a hospital bed with a blue light slowly scanning him. Bob was beside him manning the controls and making noises at the screen as the scan listed past and current injuries and ailments of the bassist. It slowed down more at Mikey’s head and started beeping excitedly.

Bob poked at the screen as he ignored the two humans in the room.

“He seems more intense,” Mikey whispered out of the corner of his mouth to Brian who was sitting on the bed next to him.

“Mmm, a little bit more,” Brian agreed as he swung his legs. He wasn’t the one getting scanned for once! “I think it’s a Time Lord thing, its Bob’s intensity, but it’s like it’s amped up even more.”

Mikey made an agreeing sound.

“He collects even more socks now,” Brian said in a knowing and weary tone.

“I wasn’t sure that was possible!” Mikey giggled.

“From all kinds of vendors from all various planets and solar systems,” Brian nodded sagely.

A look of longing appeared on Mikey’s face. “It must be wondrous.”

“It is,” Brian said, stroking his chin. “But it can be a crazy at times as well. Lots of running.”

“You’ll have to tell me about it after we rescue the others.”

Brian looked insulted. “Of course. Can you imagine Gee’s reaction to Alien Bob?”

Mikey snorted. “He’d go nuts.” Then he sighed. “I miss him being him.”

“I know.”

There were a few minutes of silence as Brian and Mikey watched the scanner and Bob work.

“Any luck yet?” Brian finally asked, feet still swinging.

Bob held up a finger and the other hand typed for another thirty seconds before there was a pinging sound. “Got you, sucker.”


“I know what species we’re dealing with,” Bob stated smugly. “And I know how to fix everyone.”

Mikey let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in and his shoulders started to shake with repressed sobs.

“Mikey?” The concern was in stereo from both Brian and Bob.

“Sorry, just, you said you’ll be able to fix everyone.” Mikey then fixed Bob with a look. “You’ll be able to fix Gee.”

Bob nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be able to fix Gee.”

Brian hopped off the bed he was occupying and pulled Mikey up and sat next to him. Wrapping an arm around the shaken young man, he looked at Bob. “So? What are we dealing with besides aliens?”

Grabbing the tablet that was plugged into the wall, Bob hopped up on the scanner bed next to Mikey and showed the tablet to the two humans.

On the screen were dozens of what looked like tiny white pieces of very flat fat.

“These are the Pario. A parasitic alien species that feed on creative energy,” Bob started to explain. “It starts off just as one Pario and then it divides itself inside a person's brain and attaches itself to different parts of the brain and controls them. The person becomes a host and food supply for it.”

Mikey looked sick as he stared at the tablet. “And this was inside of me? The others?”

“Yes,” Bob stated bluntly. “It’s still in you, but the Pario bodies inside of you are dead so you don’t have to worry about being possessed again.”

Paling, Mikey twisted out of Brian’s grasp, bent over and became sick, liquid splashing the floor. Hands rubbed Mikey’s back as he heaved a couple of more times and sat back up. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at Bob. “How do we get those fuckers out of me?”


“Salt?” Mikey and Brian asked incredulously.

“Well, a high concentration of liquidized salt, enough to dry those suckers out. I’ll probably have to weaponize it into some kind of tranquilizer dart, and I’m afraid you’ll be puking again,” Bob apologized and patted Mikey on the shoulder.

“Great,” Mikey muttered and leaned against Brian.

“Look, go get some rest,” Bob ordered and pointed at the open door. “It’s been a very long day for you.” He gently squeezed Mikey’s knee. “I’ll wake you the minute I have the solution, okay?”

Mikey nodded, tired after the day’s events.

“C’mon Mikeyway,” Brian said, tugging Mikey up to his feet. “You can crash in my room for now.”

Following Brian, Mikey was barely aware of his surroundings, the events of the day finally catching up to him. His jacket was taken off and he was poured into the most comfortable bed he ever felt. He let out a little moan of appreciation, closing his eyes and felt his shoes taken off.

“Sleep, Mikey.” And a hand gently brushed his hair as the covers were pulled over him and he slowly fell asleep.


PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 4

warning: minor character death, tv series: doctor who, character: ray toro, character: mike pedicone, character: mikey way, bandom fic, rating: 14a, character: frank iero, band: my chemical romance, character: brian schechter, character: gerard way, bandombigbang, character: bob bryar

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