Fic: An American Werewolf in Denver [10/11] (Mag7:ATF/An American Werewolf in London/Paris, 14A)

Dec 03, 2010 10:35

Title: An American Werewolf in Denver [10/11]
Author: Sparrow
Fandom: Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris
Characters: JD Dunne, Casey Wells, Maddie Stokes, Kate Stokes, Del Spivak, Garber, Kirkland, Chris Larabee, Nathan Jackson, Ezra Standish, Josiah Sanchez, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner and various OC characters
Rating: 14A
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris. Any poems or songs used in this fanfic belong to their respective creators.
Warnings: Secondary Character death, mentions of off screen sex (het), minor wolf dominance/submission in human form, captives held in chains, a woman roughed around in an interrogation room, OC Character death, some slight graphic descriptions of gore
Summary: JD Dunne undergoes some changes when attacked by a strange creature on a full moon night. Confused about what’s happening to him, can he trust Team Seven to help him through it all? Or will outside influences turn him against his friends and brothers.
Author’s Note: I just wanna say a huge thanks to bookaddict43 for the last minute step in as my beta and also being my artist! Yay! Written for the first Magnificent Seven Big Bang (mag7bigbang), this was a challenge and a half to get this all written out and I just want to say thank you for the encouragement and support of my friends while I was getting this out - you know who you are. I hope all my warnings are appropriate and if you feel I’ve missed anything, feel free to point it out and I’ll be happy to add it to the list. :) Enjoy!

The gaze of the wolf reaches into our soul. -Barry Lopez


The word summed up the entire situation perfectly as Buck, Josiah and Nathan watched an unconscious Ezra being tossed over a man’s shoulder and hauled away into the woods.

“We got to go after him,” Buck ordered as got up from his chair.

“Buck! We can’t right now!” Nathan hissed at him from their position inside the surveillance van.

“Listen to Nathan, Buck,” Josiah pacified. “Right now the odds are against us and while it hasn’t stopped us before, you must consider they have two hostages right now.”

Sighing out angrily, Buck let his head dropped. “You’re right, let’s report in to Chris and find out what the hell is going on, because Ezra is too good to be discovered that quickly.”

“We don’t know if his cover has been blown, they might’ve decided not to trust him right now,” Josiah said.

“Yeah and I’m a donkey’s uncle,” Nathan snorted.

“Well, you do have the ears sort of,” Buck easily joked.

Banter was easy right now and familiar and it was better than thinking something horrible had happened to Ezra.


Kate struggled in the grip that Chris Larabee had her in. She was slammed against the wall of the interrogation room and shook a few times.

“I want to know what you know, Stokes,” Chris growled. “Two of my agents are being held captive by your sister’s crew and the only thing holding me back from razing it to the ground is there’s something you’re not telling us. Something that had them finding out about Ezra.” He slammed her against the wall again. “You’re going to tell me everything, because if you don’t, I’m gonna sic Buck on you and if you think I’m worse right now, you’ve never seen the man when he’s protecting someone.”

Oh Freya, Fenrir and Thor! Kate cursed to Norse Gods of old. This was going from bad to worse. She involuntarily snarled at Chris as her eyes glowed amber and she snapped her teeth at him. She was no submissive!

“What the hell?” Chris muttered as he dropped her on her backside.

Vin quickly entered the interrogation room, Buck on his heels. “Everything all right here, Chris?”

“Her eyes fuckin’ glowed,” Chris snarled.

Looking at Kate, Vin could indeed see that Kate’s eyes were glowing, a soft amber colour then her normal icy blue. “Kate?”

“Fuck it,” Kate snarled and stood up, they could make out fangs in her mouth. “You want to know what’s going on here, Larabee? I’ll tell ya.”

All three men waited for a response.

Looking away to the side, she spat out a response. “Werewolves.”

“What?” Buck stated in disbelief.

“I want the truth and you’re giving me this bullshit?” Chris asked.

“I think she’s telling the truth guys,” Vin said.

Chris turned his head to look at Vin. “You believe her?”

“Yeah, I do.”

Buck threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t believe this shit.”

“Then believe this,” Kate declared and held out her hand in front of the others.

They watched in horrified fascination as Kate’s fingers extended and lengthened. Her nails curved into claws and within a couple of minutes, right in front of them were a large wolf paw.

Kate was panting heavily. “Believe me now?”

They nodded.

She shook her hand and it went back to human. Small and soft.

“You’ve always been this way?” Vin asked Kate softly.

“I’m a born werewolf so yeah Vin, I’ve always been like this,” Kate replied back. “I can change outside of the moon and I experience no pain when transforming.”

“Is this part of the reason why you didn’t want to get together?”

Kate nodded.

“Ladies, how about we get to the part where these werewolves have JD and Ezra and you two can have your chick flick moment later on,” Chris growled at them.

Then Buck moaned.

“Buck?” Chris asked his oldest friend in concern.

“JD...” Buck looked at Kate. “JD’s been infected, hasn’t he?”

Chris and Vin’s eyes widened in surprise. “What?”

Buck grabbed Kate by her jacket and slammed her against the wall. She started to growl low in her throat. “JD’s infected, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Kate growled at Buck.

“Buck,” Chris warned.

“She was just going to let us walk into that base camp and let us get slaughtered so she could save her precious sister, Chris,” Buck snarled at Chris and then turned his attention back to Kate. “How do we turn JD back to normal?”

“You can’t.”

“LIAR!” Buck yelled in her face.

Kate sighed. “He has to eat the heart of the werewolf who turned him.”

Buck let go of her, eyes that were normally friendly were now cold as ice. “Good to know.”

“We hafta to let Nathan and Josiah what’s goin’ on,” Vin pointed out.

“Vin, take Kate here for a practical demonstration and fill them in what’s going on,” Chris ordered.

Vin nodded and helped Kate up. “Let’s go, Kate.”

The two left the interrogation room and Chris and Buck to themselves.

“Shitshitshitshit!” Buck muttered and then picked up a chair and threw it against the wall. “SHIT!”

“Buck, we’ll turn JD back to normal and rescue Ezra,” Chris promised.

“I know, but with curing JD, we’re turning him into a murderer,” Buck sighed. “Even when we get both back, we’re not going to win.”

“Better a murderer than turning into that creature that attacked him and Casey,” Chris said. “Better then letting him kill innocents three nights out of the month.”

Buck let his head drop. “I know, but it doesn’t make this any better.”

“I know, Buck, I know.”


“What did you find out from your source, Garber?” Del asked.

Garber held out a few sheets of paper, which Del grabbed and went over them. “My source from the police station managed to get this for me.”

“It says here he’s ATF.”

“He’s a part of the cub’s team,” Garber explained. “His name is Ezra Standish. He’s the undercover agent for Team Seven.”

Del chuckled. “So, the ATF thinks they can stop our gun running business, huh?”

“Apparently, Alpha.”

“Well then, we’re good enough for a couple of months, we can bypass the gun running this month,” Del contemplated out loud. “Garber, get the pack ready for guests.”

“On it, Alpha.”

“Time to talk to, Standish.”


JD followed the pipeline into the forest. Somewhere there was a crack and he was sent out to repair it. It was usually a two man job, but they said they trusted him to get it done. Plus there was something going on at the camp and he was still an unknown quantity.

It stung a little, but he understood.

Checking the toolkit he was given a scent caught his nose. It smelt familiar to him.

Nostrils flaring as his head turned from side to side, he caught the scent and followed his nose.

He was still getting used to his new senses, but he felt he was getting better. He had gotten some tracking lessons yesterday and he felt confident enough to follow the trail.

Ducking low branches and trekking through the brush, he nearly lost the trail twice, but found it again easily enough. The scent led him to a clearing in the forest.

In the clearing there was three large tree stumps.

And attached to the middle tree stump, was a familiar figure.

“Ezra?” JD breathed as he dropped his toolkit. Running forward, he found himself inhaling Ezra’s scent as he lightly slapped the under cover’s agent face. “Wake up.”

“Nnngh,” Ezra moaned.

“Ezra!” JD hissed out.

The man was unconscious, hands strung upwards and chained in padded cuffs attached to the tree stump. Standing up, JD grabbed the chains and pulled.

“AHHHHH!” JD screamed as his hands burned. The chains were silver.

Dropping to his knees, cradling his hands close to his chest, JD breathed through the pain.


Looking up, he saw Ezra was awake, but his eyes were wide.

“Ez, what are you doing here?” JD rasped out as he shuffled forward on his knees.

“JD, your eyes, they’re glowing amber,” Ezra whispered out.

JD lowered his head in shame; the fears that had been building the past few days were now crashing in on him.

Freak! Monster! Couldn’t even save your own fiancée!

Burned hands clasped over his ears and JD started chanting a litany of, “Nononono!”

“JD!” Ezra yelled. “I need your help, so you need to be with me here!”

Lifting his head up, a couple of tears had trailed down and JD shuffled forward more so he was in Ezra’s personal space as his hands dropped down to his sides. Nostrils flaring as he inhaled more Ezra’s scent and he felt more at home with him than he had been with Kate’s pack.

“I need to grab the tools from the toolkit to help you out, Ezra,” JD sniffled as he stood up and ran quickly to gather the dropped toolkit. He stayed within Ezra’s line of sight the entire time and was back at Ezra’s side right away.

Taking out hammer, JD used the claw end and jammed it into the circle end of the screw, screwed into the stump. Grunting, JD pulled and pushed using the hammer.

It took a few tries but it popped out.

Groaning as his arms came down from their strained position, JD got to work using the hammer and a screwdriver to separate the cuffs that chained Ezra together.

“JD, why are your eyes glowing amber?” Ezra asked JD, but he suspected the answer.

JD flinched and missed hitting the end of the screwdriver.

“I’m a werewolf now, Ezra,” JD stated and then he looked at Ezra with wide eyes. “I know it sounds crazy, but I’m telling the truth!”

“I believe you, JD.”

“And - what?”

“The...creatures that tied me up here transformed before my very eyes,” Ezra explained. “That Maddie woman is crazy.”

“What?” JD asked in disbelief. “Maddie? Are you sure? She’s been nothing but helpful to me! She even explained about what happened to me, she’s been helping me with all of this.”

“Then why hasn’t she let you go?” Ezra asked gently.

“Because I’m dangerous to be around right now,” JD said softly. “And I don’t want to hurt the pack...” He shook his head. “I mean the team.”

“I don’t think that’s the case, JD,” Ezra said. “I believe she has nefarious purposes in store for you and I fear I have become part of it. Plus, JD, this is the gun running group we’ve been working on for the past couple of months.”

“No,” JD whispered.


Taking in a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves, JD continued his work on the chain while Ezra watched in on concern.

A couple of minutes later and JD gave a small crow of delight as the chain broke. They stood together as Ezra grabbed a wrench from the toolkit and JD grabbed the hammer as he discarded the screwdriver.

“JD, we will find a cure for you,” Ezra promised as he laid a hand of comfort on JD’s shoulder.

The amber bled out of JD’s eyes as he nodded and finally calmed down. Ezra let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.

“Ready to go?” Ezra asked.


Improvised weapons at their side, they started into the woods.

A chorus of howls had them jerking their heads up and to the sides, looking to see where the sound was coming from.

“We need to run,” Ezra ordered.

Nodding, the two broke out into a run, avoiding roots and low hanging branches from the trees.

They couldn’t have been five minutes into their escape when Ezra went down.

“EZRA!” JD screamed as he skidded to a stop.

Ezra was pinned down by a large horse sized wolf; the teeth were close to his throat. Growling, JD hefted his hammer up and his eyes glowed amber.

“Get the fuck away from him!” JD yelled out as he started forward, hammer raised high.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, JD.”

JD stiffened as he felt a hand wrap around the back of his neck. “Maddie.”

“Yes and you’ve been a very bad cub,” Maddie hissed in his ear. “Now, drop your weapon otherwise Ezra will join our pack.”

“You’re not my pack, he is,” JD hissed out but dropped his weapon.

“I’m sorry you feel that way, JD,” Maddie sighed and JD felt teeth clamp on the side of neck. Stiffening, he dropped to his knees as he tilted his head up. “That’s right, bitch. Submit.”

Ezra opened his mouth, to try and snap JD out of the trance he was put in, but the warning growl from the wolf pinning him. He watched as Maddie placed a bandana over her mouth and then pulled some sort of plant chain from her jean pocket. The chain was placed over JD and he fell over onto his side, eyes glowing amber, wide and unseeing.

“What did you do to him?” Ezra growled out and then yelped in pain when the wolf dug its claws into his shoulder.

Maddie made her way over to Ezra and squatted down. “Don’t worry, it’s just some wolfs bane. It acts as a sedative. He’ll be out as long as the chain is around his neck.” She ran a hand over Ezra’s face. “As for you, Ezra. We have plans for you. You’ll be JD’s first kill.”

Ezra tried to struggle but was stilled as the claws dug in deeper.

“And don’t worry, the claws digging into your back there, you won’t transform,” Maddie laughed at him. “You need to be bitten for that to happen, special sacs behind the teeth infect our intended pack members,” She leaned down closer and whispered in Ezra’s ear. “And you know what, that night, JD was bitten...his fiancée was especially tasty.”

Green eyes went wide at that statement.

“Take them both back to the cabin; tie JD to the bed and this one, chain him back up and leave him in view of JD, but unable to move,” Maddie ordered the large wolf holding Ezra down.

Feeling the wolf shift on top of him, Ezra was hauled to his feet.

“You utter bitch!” Ezra yelled at Maddie. “You will pay for everything you’ve done to JD!”

He slumped to unconscious as Garber used the wrench to clock him over the head. Hauling their prey over his shoulder, he idly licked his fingertips clean of the blood that had gathered when he pierced Ezra’s shoulder when in wolf form.

Maddie stepped forward and cleaned one of the fingers. “Mmm, he tastes delicious. I can’t wait until JD is finished with him on the full moon so we can have the leftovers.”

Garber chuckled as Maddie hauled JD over her own shoulder.

“Del was mentioning about speeding up the timetable and having the cub eat the prey on the first full moon, we just starve him now,” Garber explained to Maddie.

“Makes sense,” Maddie nodded as the two headed back to the camp. “Especially with the ATF heading our way,” She glanced up towards the sky. “Full moon is in a couple of days, we’ll be ready then and we can always cut the prey to have the cub head towards him when his change is upon him.”

“Should be a fun night,” Garber laughed.

Maddie joined in the laughter. “Definitely plenty of fresh meat.”


Part 9 // Part 11

au bingo card, character: chris larabee, character: maddie stokes, character: kate stokes, character: ezra standish, fic, tv series: magnificent seven: atf, aucb: fantasy&spn - authors choice, character: del spivak, character: original character, character: jd dunne, crossover fic, character: kirkland, character: josiah sanchez, character: vin tanner, character: casey wells, movie: an american werewolf in london/pa, character: buck wilmington, character: nathan jackson, character: garber, bigbang

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