Fandom Recs

Mar 05, 2008 21:31

Ok, I stumbled up this little gem while reading through sn_crossovers and thought it was pretty cool, can't wait until part 3 comes out. :D

Title: Not Marlene Dietrich
Characters: Sid the Demon Hunter, Jisue the Vampire Slayer
disclaimer: I don't own the Buffy-vers
Note: Think Puppet Show and this makes sense

Title: Hunting for Dummies
Fandom: BtVS/Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sid Hutchins, Dean, John and Sam Winchester.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, their characters and concepts belong to their creators and not to me.
Note: Sequel of sorts to Not Marlene Dietrich
Summary: Sid's hunting a demon and he needs Dean Winchester's help.

Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3

fic rec, tv series: supernatural, tv series: buffy the vampire slayer

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