So I had a thought today - it took me forever to post even the pictures I have of Liam, and even then, there hasn't been anything posted of him lately.
And then I had another thought...
I have four dolls.
So! Picture time!
Well, one other thing first...
Seems that
Divinity Doll has had a small issue on their website - according to the Chinese rep for Abio Angel, they have switched, on their website, the pictures for Ling and Er. Now, recall that I have an Er. I do have an Er, I checked. However - the Er I have in hand is the same as the Ling in the pictures from the website. Remember how I was confused that he didn't really look like the picture? That's because the doll I thought I was ordering was Ling, but I got Er, like I requested. Now, I love both, don't get me wrong, and I adore my Liam. But now that we realize that Ace got the one I originally wanted, and I got the one Ace originally wanted...
We're both going to have one of each! lol
See, this is supposed to be Ling:
And this is Liam:
See? Same face. Which is kind of disappointing, now that I know, but I love my Liam, and I want a Ling too. (I was looking for a Malachai Abbon... he could be my Malachai...)
But without further ado... my other three dolls!
Fionn is a Cherishdoll Jodie. Three years old, he's 19 year old Liam's son. (Yes, Liam is a bad little boy, having a son at sixteen... and no, there's no mother around. 19 year old single dad, oy vey.)
With his "Uncle" Brennan. Brennan is an AA Ling - the doll I originally wanted, but he belongs to Ace. I do plan to get one of my own.
Fionn with daddy Liam.
Siobhan is a Luts Cerberus Project Kid Delf Ani Girl (try saying that ten times fast!). She's Liam's little sister, I think she's about thirteen or fourteen. And she's my little princess, so she's spoiled rotton!
Siobhan with Teagan, Ace's Kid Delf Ani boy. Teagan is a great example of why never to meddle with the supernatural. Liam summoned Matti, whose apparently a demon now, to help him save Fionn, and Teagan, who is delightfully "evil", tagged along for the ride!
*points to red eyes* See!
Fionn is kinda scared of Teagan.
Morgan is a Dollzone Nina - first doll I ever bought second hand! Her face up is the one she came from the previous owner with... eventually I plan on redoing it, but I'm going to practice on Ace's Bobobie Apollo head before I try that!
Experimenting with switching wigs... white looks odd on Morgan, but Siobhan is cute!
So those are my new dolls. And I want more, but my bank account and the fact that I have to move at the ned of next year tell me "no." Or at least "think smart before you do something that dumb."