This is what I thought, so call me naive, kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep

Dec 25, 2007 13:52

So I had a thought today - it took me forever to post even the pictures I have of Liam, and even then, there hasn't been anything posted of him lately.

And then I had another thought...

I have four dolls.



So! Picture time!

Well, one other thing first...

Seems that Divinity Doll has had a small issue on their website - according to the Chinese rep for Abio Angel, they have switched, on their website, the pictures for Ling and Er. Now, recall that I have an Er. I do have an Er, I checked. However - the Er I have in hand is the same as the Ling in the pictures from the website. Remember how I was confused that he didn't really look like the picture? That's because the doll I thought I was ordering was Ling, but I got Er, like I requested. Now, I love both, don't get me wrong, and I adore my Liam. But now that we realize that Ace got the one I originally wanted, and I got the one Ace originally wanted...

We're both going to have one of each! lol

See, this is supposed to be Ling:

And this is Liam:

See? Same face. Which is kind of disappointing, now that I know, but I love my Liam, and I want a Ling too. (I was looking for a Malachai Abbon... he could be my Malachai...)

But without further ado... my other three dolls!

Fionn is a Cherishdoll Jodie. Three years old, he's 19 year old Liam's son. (Yes, Liam is a bad little boy, having a son at sixteen... and no, there's no mother around. 19 year old single dad, oy vey.)

With his "Uncle" Brennan. Brennan is an AA Ling - the doll I originally wanted, but he belongs to Ace. I do plan to get one of my own.

Fionn with daddy Liam.

Siobhan is a Luts Cerberus Project Kid Delf Ani Girl (try saying that ten times fast!). She's Liam's little sister, I think she's about thirteen or fourteen. And she's my little princess, so she's spoiled rotton!

Siobhan with Teagan, Ace's Kid Delf Ani boy. Teagan is a great example of why never to meddle with the supernatural. Liam summoned Matti, whose apparently a demon now, to help him save Fionn, and Teagan, who is delightfully "evil", tagged along for the ride!

*points to red eyes* See!

Fionn is kinda scared of Teagan.

Morgan is a Dollzone Nina - first doll I ever bought second hand! Her face up is the one she came from the previous owner with... eventually I plan on redoing it, but I'm going to practice on Ace's Bobobie Apollo head before I try that!

Experimenting with switching wigs... white looks odd on Morgan, but Siobhan is cute!

So those are my new dolls. And I want more, but my bank account and the fact that I have to move at the ned of next year tell me "no." Or at least "think smart before you do something that dumb."

bjd, fionn, liam, dollfie, pictures, er, siobhan, morgan

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