It's true, we're a little insane, but it's so clear now that I'm unchained

Oct 20, 2007 09:18

I had a sudden realization today.

I have not pic spammed this thing with Liam.

Which is insane, as I've had him nearly a month now, and tomorrow night I am going to opening the wonderful boxes that contain my two new babies... what was I thinking?! So before tomorrow, or rather Monday, when I wake up, when I piccie spam with the other two, I thought it a good idea to pic spam with Liam first.

Liam is an Abio Angel Er, for the record. :D

These pictures are uber-crappy, because my camera is crap, Ace's camera was dead, and I refused to have no opening pictures, so cell phone it was. *shrugs* They work, even if they're crappy.

In the foreground are Ace's Mattie - he was supervising the arrival of his boyfriend. :D

I have helped people with putting in eyes before, and I have never had as much trouble putting in eyes as I did with Liam! I think it's that they were Soom eyes, and so soft. I'd never put soft eyes in before - I didn't even know they were soft until I pulled them out of their little case to put them in and went "DUDE!" And Ace laughed at me.

But it was worth it to get them in!

Avert your eyes! Naked resin! *gasps*

Twist and shout!

He wanted to be naked, I'm afraid. He was unimpressed that I was putting clothes on him. >_<

His face up was so light, I was really worried at first when I opened his blanket that he had none! He does, it's just really really pale. Apparently the original face-up artist Abio Angel/Divinity Doll has wasn't doing it, it was an assistant. His eyebrows are gorgeous, but his face is so pale... I was hoping for the dramatic one on their website. This way, Liam looks far more innocent, which works well for him, actually, but it wasn't exactly what I expected...

My Liam:

Their Er photo:

But I don't care that much... it took me two months to get him, I would have been happy with no face up if only to get him!

He looks like someone, I swear, but I can't think of who...

Mattie's trying to eat my head!

But the truly ironic thing about this meet-up? Most of the pictures taken there were of the two dolls that hang out together all the time anyway. >_<

Liam and floppy Rin. She's holding Liam's duck, which he is normally inseperable from. But see, she doesn't sit, or stand, or anything, because she's so loosely strung... she held Liam's duck, suddenly she stood and sat like a dream. o.O

See? Stands with ducky.

And for some reason, I really like this one... it makes me think of a movie widescreen screenshot for some bizarre reason. O.o

bjd, pictures, liam, er, dollfie

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