Jul 01, 2010 07:37
So I went to see Eclipse last night. Yeah. A Twilight movie. Ugh.
Mostly, I went cause it was something social, and I was finally getting out of the damn house. We went to the 5pm showing, and even wore glittertastic shirts (Mine said "Team Alice") and it was actually fun. Don't get me wrong, the movie was TERRIBLE, but going was fun.
I did figure out what was wrong, though, why I hate Twilight. Twilight is about a love triangle. That's the book, that's what the series is about. It's about a love triangle. So in order to enjoy the movies/books, you actually have to be invested in the love story. I'm NOT. (Mostly cause I hate romances altogether, partially because I think she picked wrong, grr.) Because I'm not invested in the love story, I want to pay attention to the plot.
Twilight does not really have a plot. Why should it? It's about the love story. Twilight at its core is a romance, and the plot is only there to further the love story. So if you're watching it, hoping to get plot... well. Frankly, you aren't going to get it. Fans were squealing at the kissing scenes and serious "intense love scenes" during the movie, and I'm sitting there going "....wait... if you did this, or that... FOCUS ON THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE WEREWOLVES AND THE VAMPIRES GODDAMMIT THAT WAS THE ONLY COOL PART OF THIS MOVIE~!"
I finally figured it out.
My problem with Twilight isn't that it's a brutalization of all that I hold near and dear for vampires and werewolves (although it is) because so are Ultraviolet and Skinwalkers, and I still love both of those. It isn't that it's a dead teenager taking advantage of an autistic teen (though I still believe that) because I realized that frankly she's just a dumb teenager, and teenager can be dumb. Especially when they are in love.
My problem is the focus.
If I had been in charge, it would have focused less on the romance - that would have been the sidebar - and more on the fight, the war, the cool "let's whip through the forest and rip vampire's heads off" scenes. I'm an ACTION geek. I love vampires and werewolves, but they have to be DOING something. Just emo-ing and freaking out about how much they love each other is IRRITATING.
So I am in a good place, mentally, when it comes to Twilight. I realize that it's not actually - okay, I amend that, it is terrible. But I realize why, and it's okay. They're just teenager books.
Hallelujah. My brain finally makes some sense.
...my brain also just came up with a new idea for Werewolf Big Bang. Fuuuuuuuck.
writer's block