So I have a problem.
I bite off way more than I can chew.
So despite the fact that I eagerly, desperately, passionately want to enter Big Bang AU 2010 (I have the perfect story! The Covenant if Chase had always been a member of the "Sons of Ipswich"!), I don't think I will. Because, well, I work a crap-ton of hours every week, and barely sleep.
Maybe if I can finish THESE things by February 2:
1. all of my challenges for Midnight Writing Challenge
2. Original Fiction Fight Club (though I can already tell you, ain't happening.)
3. Transformer!Bean
4. other Bean fic that is way too complicated to explain in a very short list
5. fic for Leen
6. fiction master list
7. paint apartment
8. paint furniture
9. move furniture
10. "Kiss" posters for apartment
11. sew Robert's uniform jacket
Yeah. Not happening.
This is a very important question. I write a lot of fanfic, right? (I've been building my master fic list... yeah, I write a lot... *facedesk*) And I am kind of a big fandom-y type person. So I'm doing "posters" for my apartment, so that it will be a) sort of classy, and b) very "Sparrow".
What I am doing is drawing an homage to the famous
Kiss poster. Three of them, in fact - het, slash, femme-slash.
But I have a problem. far as I can figure, I don't write het. I want to do this with my favourite pairings, make a sort of triptych out of it, but I don't have a single het pairing that I can think of that I don't like either the man or the woman out of it with a different man or woman better!
Seriously! I need help!
Can any of you remember my het couples? Jog my memory a little? Thanks?