Jun 06, 2009 11:17
It's been a pretty good year for all consoles this year, with Nintendo announcing new titles for most of its major franchises, the 360 having a huge number of new third party games as well as the Natal motion camera, and sony with...well I don't really care.
Here's a brief list of games that have piqued my interest over E3:
Metal Gear Solid: Rising
The long awaited MGS on 360. It's not 4 like many hoped, but myself I don't really mind, since I think Raiden's a pretty cool character too (ninja heels aside) and so long as it doesn't become a "Devil May Cry"/ "God of War" esque hack-n-slash, I'm pretty stoked for it.
Crackdown 2
A surprise announcement, especially since Realtime Worlds had said they hadn't intended on making a sequel. Not sure about the change from cel-shaded graphics, but it looks like it will deliver more of that Crackdown fun.
Splinter Cell:Conviction
Having been in development hell for far too long, SCC is finally unveiled again, and it has only improved. Only recently having played a "Splinter Cell" game I found it a highly enjoyable (and somewhat more forgiving) alternative to Solid Snake and co, and this entry looks to be even better, with hero Sam Fisher now looking like an older Jason Bourne than a hobo like in early screens.
As well as nifty new stealth features, Ubisoft has introduced a cool way of showing objectives in-game. With games wanting to move closer and closer to a HUD-less interface for immersion purposes, this new objective relay system is not only good for that purpsoe, but also looks very cool. The back story and objectives are essentially highlighted on near by walls or buildings, in a very cool lighting effect.
Halo 3: ODST
Don't know much about this game, but from a few screenshots, it looks to be a more tactical affair than previous Halos where the run and gun formula will no longer cut it. Could be interesting.
Just Cause 2
Initially I wasn't even gonna consider this game, because though the first was fun, I figured this would be more of the same. I was wrong. Avalanche have polished the stunt mechanics to a ridiculous level, allowing more mobility when car surfing (being able to hang off the grill and shoot the driver) and adding more features to the grapple gun, making it a lot like the gauntlet from "Lost Planet", being a fast way to zoom to a destination.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
The more I see of this, the better it looks, been psyched for it since its announcement last July
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
The last console transformers was pretty disappointing, though the DS version was a lot of fun.It looks like they've allowed more dynamic transformations this time around, allowing your momentum to continue as you transform unlike the first game.
metal gear