"Good news everyone!"

Nov 01, 2008 14:41

It's raining season once again, and the house is freezing, to be honest, Obi-Wan's above expression pretty much describes my emotional state right now. Added to that I was going to have to go out into the rain and collect money for charity in Poole town centre.

Fortunately Alastair texted us with words to the effect of "good news everyone" in a Professor like manner informing us that we didn't have to turn up as it had been cancelled. Hopefully this won't affect our SIG activity score negatively.

Ironically I wouldn't have minded spending a few hours in the rain with my seminar group. They're all great people and it would be nice to have had some social time with them outside of Uni or clubs.

But that is for another time it seems. In other news Judy's coming over tomorrow ^_____^ (yeah Ok I used the long mouth =P)  and we're gonna watch "Iron Man" which I recently bought on DVD =D. I'm also borrowing "Star Wars The Force Unleased", which, if Star Wars was one word, would have the initials STFU =P. A review will come when I've finished it probably, I started one after the demo, so it shouldn't take long.

star wars, friends, judy, university

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