Hey you wonderful video makers out there!
I've wanted to ask this for a long time and since it's my birthday today *yay* I thought 'why not?' My only wish - beside good weather- is a Sparrabeth video to one of two songs I think are perfect for our couple!
So, I'm asking you:
could somebody make a video to one of these songs, pretty please?
1) Eyes Like Yours - Shakira
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/shakira/eyeslikeyours.html Nobody has eyes like Jack/Johnny, so that song should be pretty clear, also very nice to follow the lyrics and compare Will's eyes with Jack's... *hint*
2) I Feel Your Love in the Air - David Hasselhoff (believe it or not, he sung a great Sparrabeth song with that one! ;] )
http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/david_hasselhoff/i_feel_your_love_in_the_air.html Jack's on a long journey and has left Lizzy at home - why? I don't know, you tell me! :) Anyway, he misses her a lot - the lyrics are perfect for a vid in my opinion!
If anybody could do a vid for me, I'd be eternally grateful and if you like write something or do a manip for you in exchange!
Right then, have a nice day and please somebody volunteer?! :P
Lots of love,