For purposes of this, call me Aislinn.
I ____ Aislinn.
Aislinn is ____.
Aislinn > _____.
If I were alone in a room with Aislinn, I would _______.
I think Aislinn should _____.
Aislinn needs ______.
I want to ____________ Aislinn.
If I used one word to describe Aislinn, it'd be ______.
The worst thing about Aislinn is ________.
The best thing about Aislinn is ________.
My worst memory of Aislinn is ________.
My best memory of Aislinn is _________.
I know that Aislinn likes ______.
I know that Aislinn dislikes ______.
When I think of Aislinn, I think of _______.
Someday, I think Aislinn will ________.
Seven Things That Make You Laugh:
1. my cat
2. just about anything BlindMan writes (on Jedi Council Forums)
3. Craig Parker on comedy debates
4. Daily Show with Jon Stewart
5. stupid jokes on message boards
6. big poster of Orlando Bloom on my wall
7. getting new stuff
Seven Things You Love:
1. Lord Of The Rings
2. Chocolate
3. my cats
4. hot guys
5. my music
6. my computer
7. costumes
Seven Things You Hate:
1. school
2. terrorists
3. paparrazi
4. people who charge more than $20 for something I can make for $4
5. moderators who think they're God's gift to the internet
6. Corran Horn
7. cute clothes that only come in small and extra-small
Seven Things On Your Desk:
1. My monitor (it takes up most of my desk space)
2. CD-Rs
3. mouse/mousepad
4. Arwen action figure
5. lamp
6. mallorn leaf pin
7. computer disks (3.5" and ZIP)
Seven Facts About You:
1. I'm blonde.
2. I'm short (5'2").
3. I wear glasses (they're blue metal).
4. I finally got a TV in my room!
5. I own my own computer.
6. I own approximately 15 pairs of shoes.
7. I can't read sheet music.
Seven Things You Can Do:
1. write
2. draw
3. speak with an Irish accent
4. crochet
5. spell (yes, this is an accomplishment)
6. laugh worse than the Wicked Witch of the West
7. debate really well
Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. reach the top shelf anywhere
2. ride a bike
3. rollerskate/iceskate
4. drive (well, I can, my parents just don't let me drive their car and I don't have one)
5. say the alphabet backwards
6. touch my tongue to my nose
7. remember all 50 United States
Seven Famous People You Want To Meet:
1. Craig Parker
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Keanu Reeves
4. Darren Hayes
5. Johnny Depp
6. Heath Ledger
7. Peter Jackson
Seven Songs People Should Give A Listen:
1. "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty
2. "Into The West" by Annie Lennox
3. "Prospero's Song" by Loreena McKennitt
4. "What If" by Kate Winslet
5. "Where You Want To Be" by Darren Hayes
6. "Downfall" by Matchbox Twenty
7. "Half Fling" by Viggo Mortensen, feat. Billy Boyd, Elijah Wood, Dom Monaghan
last car ride: going to the mall to get a new watch battery
last good cry: when my stepfather dropped the boxspring on my crown and bent it all out of shape
last library book checked out: "White Lies" by Anne Salter
last movie seen:
In theatres - don't remember, probably "Return Of The King" or "The Prince & Me"
At Home - "Underworld"
last book read: "White Lies" by Anne Salter
last cuss word uttered: ??
last beverage drank: chocolate milk
last food consumed: french fries
last crush: Craig Parker, Orli Bloom, and Darren Hayes
last phone call:
Kaladhwen last tv show watched: special on the History channel . . . in which they said that Hitler's rise to power was directly tied to his possession of the Spear of Longinus . . . which ROARiors will remember Heath Ledger toyed with in the summer of '97 on FOX. *snicker*
last time showered: yesterday . . . rained today, does that count?
last shoes worn: my knee-high vinyl boots!
last cd played: ROTK soundtrack
last item bought: ROTK sheet music!
last downloaded: couple of fonts
last annoyance: stupid people!
last disappointment: I'm constantly disappointed, you expect me to remember what was most recent?!
last soda drank: vanilla coke
last thing written: post on a message board
last key used: house key
last word spoken: furball (as in, "Get off the table, you dumb furball!")
last sleep: last night
last im: I'm IMing right now
last weird encounter: ran into a girl I was sort-of friends with in high school . . . she's taller than me now
last ice cream eaten: Thin Mint, by Dreyers
last time amused: I'm amused most of the time
last time wanting to die: don't think I've ever WANTED to die . . . expected to, on the other hand . . .
last time in love: never really have been . . . thought I was
last time hugged: my dad, last Tuesday
last lipstick used: my moisturising lipgloss
last shirt worn: Vinyl. black vinyl. I feel very Selene today.
last time dancing: by myself, to Darren Hayes. Feel grateful you didn't see it. LOL!
last show attended: huh?
last webpage visited: DaFont forums