(no subject)

May 23, 2005 23:13

Uhm.. so some kid just called me? Supposedly his name was Casey? He said he's French? & In pre-algebra? & That he sucks at school?

So my mom said some Casey was on the phone for me & I was like, "Uhhh.." So I get the phone & it's this kid & I have no idea who he is.

First, he totally blew it by saying, "I've seen you in pre-algebra I sit in the back." & I said, "I'm in algebra 1." Lol. Jesus effing Christ.

So I'm going with the first assumption: It was a prank call.

But.. not a normal one. They were like.. hella nice? & I know they know who I am.. I think.. 'cos they know Laina. But uh.. everyone knows Elena. So yeah he was really nice.. and it was really weird. Lol and he kept saying, "So y'know I'm just callin' to say what's up.. yeah so what's up.." & omg I like need to know who this is I'm gonna be thinking about this for like.. ever.

& What pisses me off is that it could be anybody! I don't have any clues 'cos a part of me seriously doubts that his name is really Casey.. but who knows, right?

Does anyone have any ideas 'cos I'm so confused I just really wanna know who it is. & I hate when people prank call me but they have asshole intentions -- that pisses me off so bad. & They probably did that.

& How the hell did they get my number? & They called soo late, but whatever it's not like my mom cared or anything so it's all good but.. uhm.. my number? I can only think of Laina giving it to them.. but.. I don't know I'm afraid to call her & ask 'cos I think she'll get pissed. Oh well I'm calling anyway.

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