Lethal Hunger, Victoria, One-Shot

Apr 21, 2008 16:38

Title: Lethal Hunger
Author: Me, anirishtwilight
Pairing: Victoria
Rating: PG-13 for suggested brutality and sexuality
Warnings: None
Wordcount: Approx. 514
Disclaimer: I don't own her! I just try to peek inside her sick little twisted brain.
Summary: The hunger had become too much, and Victoria was poised for any kill...

Lethal Hunger

Victoria hadn't eaten in days. The weather in this wretched little town had been dismal and its inhabitants had decided not to take many hiking trips. Unfortunately for her and her coven, that meant a very sharp decrease in food supply. Although sunlit days were unlucky for them as well, thunderstorms almost definitely drove all of the campers away from the area; weather was a fine balance in this area and their food so delicately depended on it.

She was becoming very irritable. She could feel her eyes burning red, could practically feel them pulsating with the need to find something and kill it. Although she never really had a very firm grasp on her self control, when she was this hungry that hold was so much more tenuous. She didn't much care though. Why should she care? This was the lifestyle she chose, she could live the way she wanted. She threw her head back defiantly even though there was no one actually challenging her.

Her eyes shifted to the left to where her mate, her lover, her leader was walking. He walked with a sure step and his eyes also scanned the area for potential food. Victoria knew that if there was food to be had, James would find it...the fact that he hadn't darkened her mood just a shade more. She tried to focus on thinking about something else. Anything else. However, when she was this hungry it was nearly impossible. Everything else in her life came to a complete halt. She and James hadn't made love since the intense hunger began. She was too argumentative and he didn't have the patience for it. She regretted that, but it was something else that just couldn't be helped.

Then, in just one instant, it all seemed to happen so quickly. Her head snapped up along with both James and Laurent's. She could feel the venom pooling in her mouth immediately and her hands balled into fists. She took a hunters stance, dropping her lithe body closer to the ground, lightening her footsteps just fractionally. She saw them coming before they even knew she was there.

She considered for a moment whether or not she would bother with the game of pretending to be helpful in leading these lost campers back to the trail they had strayed from. It was something they did sometimes to lull their prey in to thinking they were nothing out of the ordinary (although most people still knew there was something amiss). This time, however, she was too ravenous with hunger. She needed to pounce. She darted a glance over at James and met his eyes for a moment and saw that he was thinking the same thing. There were three in their party. A male, a female and a child. One for each of them. There would be no need to pretend. This would be an easy kill.

As the woman approached her, she was already running her tongue over her lethal, vibrantly white teeth. The woman hadn't even finished saying hello and then...

Let me know what you think! <3

character:victoria, fic:lethal hunger, one-shot

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