Hello, somebody take that meme away from me.

Sep 01, 2012 00:58

*awkwardly shuffles by* I'm a scatter-brained lunatic and if I don't collect all the stories I'm writing for the hoodietime hurt/comfort meme in one place I will lose them or forget about them, and who knows, maybe I'll actually want them somewhere. So! I come bearing my meager little collection of meme fills, all done in the last, like, two and a half days, because it's my shiny new toy I can't stop playing with.

First, an untitled fill for this prompt: So after all the massive massive stress of the last few years, Dean's gotten in the habit of assuming every physical ailment he has is stress related. Typically, they are. Until one day, something isn't. He starts getting sick and assumes it's another stress-related issue and promptly treats the symptoms (with alcohol and other drugs, if you like) and ignores it. But it doesn't go away. And then it starts getting worse. Now Dean's seen his body do some pretty weird stuff due to stress. So he's still convinced that what's going on is due to stress, even when it's taking a visible physical toll on his body. "C'mon Sammy, I lost like 40 pounds in two months when I was staying with Lisa. It happens." Sam, on the other hand, isn't buying it. And he's pushing pretty hard to get it checked out. But Dean won't budge. Until one day, he literally *can't* budge because his body just craps out on him. And Sam is all "Dammit Dean I TOLD YOU." And then they have to handle the situation and Dean realizes that it wasn't stress-related at all.

And then, another untitled fill for this one: Dean's anxious about something. That indeterminate feeling of wrongness (did he do something? did something happen? is it, in actuality, nothing, nothing at all?). So much so that he can't sleep, can't stay asleep, no matter how much he obviously needs it. And the humid summer nights aren't helping. How does Sam deal with this? Bonus points if Sam's solution is especially unconventional. How that's defined is up to you. ;P Even more bonus points if this whole episode isn't Hell/Purgatory related (what, whaaaat, i know)!
I followed the prompt, mostly.

And finally, The Shape of Things to Come, an actually titled fill (!) for this prompt: Dean's back from Purgatory, and things are finally settling down. Except for one thing. See, Purgatory's full of monsters - a few ghosts, yeah, but no humans. It's been months (years?) since Dean's seen a human being, let alone talked to one or touched one. Every time he has to interact with anyone besides Sam, it feels like his soul's being dragged out of his chest Alien-style until he's legit weak and shaky and feverish just from the human contact. But talking to people is part of the job, and he's Dean friggin' Winchester, so he deals with it. Well - he thinks he's dealing, anyway. Turns out, not so much. They're investigating a haunting in an office complex full of people in suits with loud voices and high heels and lattes when Dean finally shakes one hand too many and goes into full-on panic mode - zoning out, hyperventilating, hiding in the bathroom, what have you. Sam's on top of it.

Hopefully I haven't cocked any of this up or anything...welp, that's all I came here to do, Whoever's Reading This (Read: Likely No One At All But Me In a Few Weeks Wondering Why I Put It Here). Maybe at some point I'll go dig up the fills I did for the BBC Sherlock kink meme...

fanfiction omfg!, actual puppy sammy winchester, dean winchester is saved, supernatural, i'm fairly confident no one's listening, whumpy dean is my new toy, what am i doing

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