
Dec 30, 2012 02:43

So I've been playing a lot of the Sims (shhh it's break don't judge me) and my family has two boys. When the first was born I happened to be texting my (Supernatural-obsessed) bestie, so at her behest I named him Dean. When it came time for Baby 2 to be named, I got cheeky and called him Sam.

And the mom just set the house on fire trying to make mac ( Read more... )

nothing to do with fanfiction, what am i doing

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tabaqui December 30 2012, 20:27:29 UTC
*dies laughing*


sparrow_lately December 30 2012, 21:45:55 UTC
RIGHT? I was just sitting there like "...seriously, universe? Did I deserve that for getting cheeky?"

(Also, a belated happy holidays to you, lovely!)


tabaqui December 30 2012, 21:51:18 UTC

A merry new year to you! We had a nice, quiet, family Xmas, which is the best kind, in my mind, and we'll have the same for new year. We are homebodies. :)


sparrow_lately December 30 2012, 21:56:22 UTC
I'm jealous, see my family usually all gets together on Christmas Eve and then we spend the day just chilling (and my godfather usually spends the night with us if he can get up here), and it's utterly lovely, but this year for some reason we abandoned that and did the Big Damn Get Together on Christmas day. Suffice to say there was booze, food, cruel remarks thinly veiled as jokes, cruel remarks not even a little veiled, the dead were honored, the dead were dishonored, and then that deeply uncomfortable moment when the entire Catholic side of my family decided that studying theology/early Christianity might be Destroying My Faith and they had to grill me about it immediately.

Oh, and there was some violence, too! But also champagne. I actually had a good time.


tabaqui December 30 2012, 22:07:58 UTC
Good lord.

Now, in times past, we would go to my husband's grandparent's house in (city) and then to other grandparent's house in (other city) and then to his dad's house (divorced parents) in (other city).

And then Xmas day go to grandparent's house in (city) and then my parent's house in (third city).

We don't do that anymore. Now we go to his sisters on xmas eve, and everyone comes there, and then we're home for everything else. My family is a two hour drive away so we saw them after xmas.

And no drama this year! Always good - i hate drama, it makes me cranky. Too much drama in my in-law's lives.


sparrow_lately December 30 2012, 22:14:31 UTC
Jesus, that's a lot of travel. I think I remember once, many many moons ago, when my dad's parents were still kicking, we went first to his older sister's house, then to his younger sister's house, then all of us trucked out to my grandparents', but that was a rare thing, and everyone lived within two hours of one another (well, except my dad's brother and his wife and son in Australia Chicago Hawaii Arizona but shh).

Drama is an expected and not entirely awful part of the holidays ("Just one fucking holiday where no one cries," sighed my cousin, back in like '07, ten minutes before my aunt started crying because somebody did or did not comment on the state of her cooking), as it draws the sane ones a little closer together in the face of the madness. This year was a little much, though. You know it's been one of those years when you spend Christmas night camped out on the upstairs landing with your brother, the extra phone between you, eavesdropping on the fallout. :P


tabaqui December 30 2012, 22:19:54 UTC
Yeah, way too much travel. People are getting old and have died off and frankly, i just much prefer our own little family together on xmas eve and xmas.

Oh, man. At least there isn't quite *that* level of drama. It all mostly happens before and after, while on the day there's just nasty gossip and pointed remarks over the ham.

Thank fuck my family is smaller and much more relaxed.


sparrow_lately December 30 2012, 22:26:34 UTC
To be totally honest, if I had my way, I'd spent the holiday with my immediate family or with friends, but alas.

And oh, yeah, it's not a holiday without a week of solid, uninterrupted drama on either side. That's the strongest tradition we have. :P

Me I'm looking forward to the day when I can settle down with some nice guy/girl and we can just spend the day enjoying each others' company, along with, like, some cats and possibly with some ankle-biters in the mix. Until then...


tabaqui December 30 2012, 22:35:47 UTC
I like to be with *my* family, since we're pretty much drama-free, but alas, that hasn't happened too often lately. I hope next year to be better prepared money-wise and to actually go and hang out overnight and such. But before or after - i like the day just for us.

It *is* nice - you'll like it when you do it. :)


sparrow_lately December 30 2012, 22:39:34 UTC

I love my family, I really do, but peaceful is not our thing. :P


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