Sandy, etc.

Oct 31, 2012 15:40

You know what's the best thing to have during a hurricane? Generous friends with a back-up generator. Especially if they're kind enough not to mind when you have an epic coughing fit and then get a bloody nose in the middle of the night and wake everyone up.

You know how you know you've been cooped up with the same people for too long? When a friend wrapped in a cape-blanket holds an empty water bottle up to his crotch and says, "Imagine this is my penis," and everyone just rolls with it.

Wake up late with the incomparable A, it's a lazy comfy morning and we don't have class, we can laze around, watch some stupid TV and cuddle like dorks, and just as I'm checking for news updates I hear a SCREAM LIKE SOMEONE HAD GUTTED HER WITH A FILLET KNIFE and I turn around and she is ACTUALLY CRYING and there's a bug almost the length of my hand on the wall and she drags me, barely dressed and all, into the hall and is sort of crying into my sweater when suddenly my roommate, dressed as who I would later learn is Azula and wearing snowboots, bursts in, jumps on top of my bed, and slays the bug ridiculously casually.

Shortly thereafter I got a call from a blocked number asking me if I was "ready," followed by heavy banging and creepy breathing right outside my door, because I'm friends with dicks. They made up for being dicks by taking me to Chinese.

ETA: Remember that time Disney bought Lucasfilm and plans to finish what George Lucas began and destroy all that was once sacred about Star Wars? Ah, well. My philosophy has always been that the coolness of Star Wars is more or less dependent on the direct involvement of Harrison Ford in any case, so...*sighs and retreats into happy memories of tying my braids up like Leia, failing miserably, and being mistaken for some kind of lost Irish Heidi*

halloween!, nothing to do with fanfiction

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