All the cool kids have a masterlist.

Oct 21, 2012 23:34

I don't have much, but blargh. I can update it later.

Arranged roughly by type, then in chronological order, all one-shots, all gen with one exception
* = denotes a meme fill I have not cleaned up and posted on my journal (and might not ever get around to doing)

Canon Compliant
Lost Boys, or Sam, Dean, and a well-intentioned history teacher, November 1993. PG-13, gen. Pre-series, boys are 10 and 14.
Untitled Fill* for a prompt involving insomniac!Dean. Because it's me, it's wee!Sam being weird as all fuck but helping Dean fall asleep. PG? I think? Gen. Pre-series, boys are 16 and 12.
Intervals*, or Dean, a grieving Bobby, and Dean facing the failure of his heroes. PG, gen. Pre-series, Stanford years.
Seeking the Bubble Reputation, or Bobby and Dean, and the general lowering of boundaries, through the years. PG-13, gen. Pre-series through the end of season four.
The Redeemer, or Castiel's fractured understanding of time (and of Dean Winchester). PG-13, gen with the squintiest hint of Dean/Cas. Indeterminate time, but references events from season 2-6.
Untitled Fill* for a prompt involving sick!Dean being unwilling to admit he's really sick and not just stressed out. PG-13, gen. Set in an indeterminate post season three.
Far Cry From an Empire*, or post Hell Dean being rather less comfortable with the skin he's in. PG-13, gen. Set in season four.
Starving in the Belly of the Whale, or Dean with a somewhat more sinister variation on ghost sickness. PG-13, gen. Set somewhere near the beginning of season five.
The Heart's Bleed Longest, or Dean flashing back to Hell in Purgatory. PG-13, gen. Set in between seasons seven and eight.
Proverbs of Hell, or how Benny found out about Sam (and Alastair). PG-13, gen. Something of a continuation of "The Hearts Bleed Longest." Set in between seasons seven and eight.
Twelve Hour Shift, or Winchester hospital visits are rarely so smooth. PG-13, gen. Set in an indeterminate time somewhere after season four.
And Empty Holes it Fills*, or Sam, Dean, Cas, and Dean's abandonment issues. PG?, gen with a hint of Dean/Cas. Set in season eight.
Between High Spots*, or a tired Sam and an unusually talkative Dean. PGish, gen. Set somewhere in season eight.
Forgetting Any Other Home But This, or the afterlife for Bobby Singer. PG-13, gen. Set in an indeterminate time somewhere after season seven.
But Something Dear, or my second attempt at curtain fic and a very depressed Dean. Sam's not doing too hot either. PG-13, gen. Post series.

Variations on a Theme, or a hurt!Dean fest in five different alternate universes. PG-13, gen with a teensy bit o' Sam/Jess. Wee! and adult!chesters.
What's Done in the Dark, or John Winchester's sons on a mission from God. Otherwise known as the One Where They're Serial Killers. Very very PG-13, mostly gen. Wee! and adult!chesters.
The Shape of Things to Come, a cleaned-up fill for a prompt involving Dean coming back from Purgatory and being sort of unable to cope with the real world again--specifically, people who aren't monsters seem all wrong. PG-13, gen. AU only by virtue of being written before season eight aired.
Common Calamity, or the continuing adventures of schizophrenic!Dean from "Variations on a Theme." PG-13, gen.
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe, or de-aged!Dean, hapless Sammy, and Hell. PG-13, gen. Set during season four.
Shangri-La, or if Zachariah left Dean and Sam in the "It's a Terrible Life"!verse. PG-13, gen. Set during season four, kind of.
Through the Looking Glass, or the Alternate Universe Twist. PG-13, mild Dean/Cas and Dean/Sam. Kind of an alternate universe, kind of not. Wee! and adult!chesters, but the "real world" is somewhere in season five.
Mire, But Soul*, or an alternate version of "Taxi Driver" wherein Dean joined Sam on his trip to the underworld. PG-13, gen.

Reverse Engineering 'verse
Reverse Engineering, or Sparrow tries de-aging fic and somehow chucks Sam into 1987, where he gets some insight into his big-little brother. PG-13, gen.
The Competitive Exclusion Principle States, or scenes from an alternate universe wherein Sam stole the Winchester boys in 1987. PG-13, gen.
Become as Little Children, or more scenes from an alternate universe wherein Sam stole the Winchester boys in 1987. PG-13, gen.
Hold Tomorrow Tightly, or still more scenes from an alternate universe wherein Sam stole the Winchester boys in 1987. PG-13ish, gen.
A Child Who's In Flight, or even more scenes from an alternate universe wherein Sam stole the Winchester boys in 1987. PG-13, gen.

fanfiction omfg!, supernatural, what am i doing

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