The Shape of Things to Come

Sep 01, 2012 13:54

I may or may not have gotten OCDannoyed with how much of a mess this was as-is, so...I cleaned it up and put it here. Also, I put that missing transition scene back so the story actually makes sense. Yay, me. Watch me try to copy the way other people post such things and hopefully it'll all turn out just fine. Hopefully.

Title: The Shape of Things ( Read more... )

fanfiction omfg!, actual puppy sammy winchester, dean winchester is saved, supernatural, i'm fairly confident no one's listening, whumpy dean is my new toy, the angel of thursdays

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Comments 16

shoofus September 12 2012, 01:58:15 UTC
really good writing, hope you do more spn, a lot more!


sparrow_lately September 12 2012, 04:36:52 UTC
Thank you so much! I'd really like to! :)


iontas September 12 2012, 02:21:10 UTC
Brilliant and heartbreaking!


sparrow_lately September 12 2012, 04:37:33 UTC
Thank you!


borgmama1of5 September 12 2012, 03:35:23 UTC
Intense! And Sam is Dean's anchor--perfect!


sparrow_lately September 12 2012, 04:38:27 UTC
Thanks for reading! :)


rince1wind September 12 2012, 06:19:35 UTC
Really good. Like the frightened run-on sentences.


sparrow_lately September 12 2012, 21:43:48 UTC
Thank you very much!


tabaqui September 12 2012, 12:34:15 UTC
Oh, Dean.
*wants to hug him*

That is so incredibly sad and creepy and oh, *horrifying*. And Castiel in Purgatory, and Dean's own reflection being wrong.....

Excellent stuff!


sparrow_lately September 12 2012, 21:44:29 UTC
I really want the show to go a little bit cosmic-horror with Purgatory, so I'm glad if I've creeped you out a bit.

*joins the Dean-hugging party*

Thanks for much for commenting!


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