(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 06:25

I voted today!!

Also after a week of (um, maybe more like a month) of doing pretty much nothing I woke up at 8am today and did SEVERAL things (haha) such as return my library books, go to the gym, mail my ballot and make lunch. I still have over an hour before I leave for work. In that time I need to find a gas man to buy a gas tank for the stove and watch the second half of the newest episode of GossipGirl. The last task will be done...the gas I don't know...the dude never seems to be around when I want him to be.

I guess this does not seem like much but I have been the queen of being slothy lately and I hate it because I do not feel good about it but am having trouble getting motivated.

a cha cha
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