May 16, 2007 14:30
I am chilling at my parents house so hard. Monday I left DC with Amanda and Pete around 1:30 pm. We drove to philly and had soem food with Jesse. Sean was around the corner working so we chilled there for a bit too. Then we drove through NYC to Queens to drop Amanda off. I sat in the back smoking a cigarette and looking at the bright lights. Driving through New York, or rather being driven, is so chill. Then we made it back to my parents house before 11:30 pm which was great timing. We drank vodka and orange juice and talked about aliens. I realized how much I had missed Pete and how happy I was to hang.
Since then I have been lying around outside reading, running on the tread mill, eating delicious food, doing crossword puzzles, and generally rolling around. I am a little drunk right now because I just drank a giant glass of vodka with orange and cranberry juices. I mean, this is a serious vacation, why not? I painted my nails too. Soon I will eat some popcorn and practice my Romanian. I am fully relaxed, but I also miss DC. I am getting pretty anxious about moving to Spain and leaving everyone...I am definitely less calm than I was when I went to Argentina. Although, I would say I am relatively calm anyway.
Pete had a really great observationa bout my praents after our bbq on Sunday. A lot of people have mentioned that I am a pretty even mix of Bob and Eva. He said that seeing them makes so much sense. I get my pleasently reserved side from my mom and my down to hang out and chill so hard side from my dad. After out drinking everyone my dad told a story about getting a puppy who accidentally got into and ounce of weed and could not walk. My dad called the vet who said everything would be ok in the morning. My dad finished the story by saying "and from then on he was the most chill dog."
So yeah, being a college graduate has proved to be very fun. Also my parents got me a new digital camera, it is pink. haha.