(no subject)

Oct 05, 2012 12:01

It's official. I lost my mind. It's somewhere, I know it is. I'm mostly writing just have an entry cos my last one was in May. I'm on vacation starting today....a whole week with no work craziness ahead of me.

Things have been really bad. Coworkers literally stopped speaking to me. I go through my day without talking to anyone.

I had a huge fight with Debbie back in August. I told her I was happy, she told me I'm only happy to be sarcastic. She told me she has a lot of rage and anger towards me and when I have her the namaste hands, her response was up yours.

I did not go to manager Anne Marie but she found out about the incident. She pulled me into a conference room to talk. I asked for a mediator to finally resolve this 4 year conflict with Debbie. I never got the mediator cos Debbie did not want one. So I was left to resolve the issue with Debbie on my own. Anne Marie told Debbie we are two grown adults, we should be able to resolve this issue on our own.

My concern is I don't think there is an issue. Debbie feels I am giving her the silent treatment, I maintain I am quiet.

Several weeks ago, coworker David came up behind me (i was listening to my ipod standing at the copier)....he grabbed my sarong which was draped around my shoulder, he pulled it tight against my neck. Scared me badly. I was so confused...I turned around to see what was going on and I saw him with my sarong held tight in his hands....he was crossing the two pieces as if to strangle me. It all happened so fast. I cried all through lunch because of it. David was trying to cheer me up cos he thinks I'm sullen cos I'm quiet.

My sensitivities are growing. Lots of confusion and anger. And the thing with facebook is crazy. I keep updating cos I'm supposed to, I know that, but I don't like it at the same time.

hsp, stuff, work

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