Looking for captive!Norrington fics

Aug 07, 2013 00:44

I got a craving for fics where Norrington is caught by pirates, could be Jack's crew or other pirates, and knocked about a bit. Preferably including chains. I've pretty much gone through the stuff on Horizon, so I'm wondering - are there any more recent stuff of that ilk that I've missed?

Some good 'uns on Horizon:
A cage by any other name http://www.squidge.org/horizon/library/archive/4/acage.html
Status Quo http://www.squidge.org/horizon/library/archive/3/statusquo.html
The Quality of Mercy http://www.squidge.org/horizon/library/archive/2/thequality.html
Diving for pearls http://www.squidge.org/horizon/library/archive/0/divingfor.html

Edit 1: Jjail (as recommended below) http://www.squidge.org/horizon/library/archive/5/jjail.html
Edit 2: Found another one: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4366361/1/A-bit-of-Norrington-torture
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