Title: Of Snow and Scarves
Bella_ReeveRating: PG
Warnings: Slash, innuendo that is not so subtle
Fandom: POTC AU!
Characters/Shippers: Jack/James
Spoilers: None.
Word Count: 798
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and I'm not making money.
Notes: Have I said that Esty is my hero yet? Best. Beta. EVER! Also this idea came to me while wearing my lovely flannel scarf. My scarf, therefore, is my new muse and must follow me around.
Summary: Literature was the only class James was doing poorly in, but he blamed that on the fact that he and his tutor spent more time making out than they did studying. AU Fluff because I'm in that mood.
James Norrington had always loved the winter season. Ever since he was a child he would wait and wait, and when the first snow came he would practically have a heart attack from excitement, getting wrapped up to go play in it. There was something pure and innocent about snow that called to him. He didn't even mind the cold, as he trudged toward the parking lot. Sometimes it was annoying how large the campus was and how little parking there happened to be. But in the snow he didn't mind; he always walked slower.
His books felt heavy in his hands. Really, they should be in his pack, but he had just been to the library and couldn't hold them all. He'd been studying like a madman for an upcoming test, which he wasn't too worried about now that he had studied. Really, most of his classes were going well, and he was sure he'd graduate first in the class in the spring. The only class he was doing poorly in was his literature class. He did not understand poetry; it was too cryptic and symbolic. He'd been trying, he really had. He'd even invested in a tutor; that had possibly been his biggest mistake. He hadn't known that he and his tutor would end up spending more time making out than they did studying. However, he couldn't help it. Those dark eyes called to him and it didn't matter that his tutor was some years older than he. It didn't matter because those lips and arms and that whole body was made for James. He was sure of it.
It was hard to believe that James had given up everything to be with this man. He'd been in a relationship already when he'd met him. James had had a hard time breaking it off with Lizzie, but it hadn't been quite so hard when he'd found out she was seeing someone else behind his back. He still wasn't sure he'd forgiven her for that. He'd at least waited to kiss his new love until after he and Lizzie were through. But it was more than just Lizzie he had given up. There were whole groups of friends who no longer spoke to him, Ted among them. He'd lost so much, only to gain something far more worth his time. He didn't care what they called him behind his back (or worse, to his face), because he had someone who really, truly cared.
Lost in his thoughts, James was shocked by the hard, cold, something smacking him in the face and stumbled slightly. He blinked. Snowballs? Who in their right mind would be throwing snowballs? He looked up in time to see another one coming toward him before it hit him between the eyes. He wiped his face off with his white and black scarf and looked around for the snowball assassin. He was hiding behind a tree and James sighed. Not again, he thought bitterly.
After he had started seeing his tutor people had started committing random acts of violence against him. First there was the time his car had been egged, and then there were moments when he would turn his back for a second and end up having one of his books stolen. It was hard to believe that even in the twenty-first century one could still be hated just for being gay. He was sure that the one throwing snowballs at him would be one of those who hated him.
“Would it be too much to ask,” James said, “if you just let me get to my car? Or would you and your buddies just like to get the beating over with so I can go home?”
“Oh there will be a beating,” said a voice that James, for a moment, believed he knew. “But I can’t very well have a snowball fight with someone whose arms are full of books. Go put ‘em down somewhere.”
“And if I say no?” James asked, frowning because the voice was too low to belong to who he thought it belonged to… or maybe… A snowball came out of nowhere and hit him in the side. “Hey!”
“Hurry now, Jamie-love.” And now James was sure he knew the voice and scrambled to get out of rang.
"Jack, you know this means war, yes?" James said, ducking behind a different tree, hanging his bag on a limb and balancing his other books in the place where the limb met the tree.
"Oh, aye, I gathered that, mate," came Jack’s voice from not so very far away. "Those were just warnin' shots."
"I see," James gathered snow in his gloved hands and began to pat it into a nice round shape. "Well, prepare yourself, then. I'm coming for you." He moved quickly out of his hiding place and jumped beside the other tree, tossing the snowball in Jack's face.
"Oy!" Jack called, wiping the snow from his eyes and chasing James down with his own snowball. "Come back here and take it like a man!"
"In public, Jack? Why, I couldn't possibly!"
Jack was so shocked to hear the dirty comment come from James that he stopped cold, giving James enough time to throw another snowball. "Not fair!" Jack insisted, recovering and chasing James again. "You can't say things like that in battle!" He finally caught up to his lover, trapping him between a tree and himself. "Gotcha!"
"I give up!" James said, grinning. "I am at your mercy."
"Oh aye, I would say that." Jack played with James' scarf. "Love you in this, Jamie. Always makes me want to tie you up with it."
"Mmm," James closed his eyes at the idea. "Tonight let's do that."
"What about studyin' for your test?"
James smirked. "Well, if you don't want to…"
"Didn't say that, mate!" He grabbed the scarf and pulled James into a kiss. James smiled into those lips. Winter was nice, but really, he had something better. And it was currently promising very wonderful things with that mouth...