Title: White Admiral [2/?]: Little Windows
Author: Anya
Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Slash, irreverent humor, possible OOCs, AU.
Spoilers: No spoilers.
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean and such all property of Disney.
Summary: What if Jack was an Admiral? A series of art+ficlets up until the mental images leave me alone. : ( [2,821].
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I notice that Norrington is already much less formal than when he arrived, never addressing his commanding officer as "sir". Seem he does not respect admiral Sparrow at all. Hopefully, their first patrol together will remedy that. There should be more to Sparrow's fame than his own storytelling.
favourite line:
The Admiral could never remember his name properly, but, well… and… the old Lieutenant sort of spoiled him. With no need to do work.
And Groves' and Gillette's awe for having the admiral put to work. *lol*
Would it be too disrespectful if Norrington picked Sparrow up somewhere near the docks or in the yard, slung him over his shoulder, carried him upstairs to the office and placed him at the desk?
I like it when people get slung over people's shoulders. x.x
One little note: Exactly how *did* James get Jack to do that? Beginner's luck? Natural air of authority? I think it's kind of like when kids meet someone new-- they behave for a while, then start experimenting as to what they can get away with. I bet Jack won't be so easily set to work next time.
We so *love* Bad Jack.
Whee! for two more chapters.
If the admiral ordered the lieutanant to "see to the paperwork and do everything necessary to get it done", would that not justify James picking Jack up and carrying him to the desk?
The marines' rugby team should understand that reasonable explanation.
hmm~ possible. O_oa
Obviously, the Caribbean sun has driven James mad. Yeah. The SUN did it.
Does the marine's rugby team play against an officer's rugby team? Is Groves on the officer's rugby team?
Heh. We haven't stolen the story from the author, oh no....
Groves is a midshipman, so I guess he'd be on the officer's team! Which if it has Sparrow in it will be cheating. t_t;; or maybe not, since it'd also have James...
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