What the Water Gave Me

Jan 03, 2012 02:14

Title: What the Water Gave Me
Author: sparrabethx
Pairing: Jesse/Andrew
Rating: PG13
Summary: Andrew scoffed. “Please, dad, this isn’t Titanic. Whirlwind cruise ship romances don’t happen in real life, ever.”
Author's Notes: High school AU where Jesse and Andrew meet on a cruise ship.

“Honey, how do you feel about Mexico?” Andrew’s mother asked him over the weekly I’m too lazy to cook anything else so I’m gonna make Hamburger Helper and call this a weekly thing family dinner one night.

“I think ponchos are the biggest crime against fashion since lederhosen and anyone who willingly wears them needs to rethink how they’re running a country,” he replied through a mouthful of Cheeseburger Macaroni.

His father cleared his throat. “The reason your mother asks is because we’re thinking of taking a cruise to Mexico over spring break.”

“Yeah? Sounds great.”

“You’d be coming with us.”

Andrew paused, his fork halted mid-journey to his mouth. “Really?” He groaned. “Mum, you know I get seasick-”

“What else are you going to do over spring break, Andrew, really?” quipped Mrs. Garfield in a more factual than accusatory tone.

“Work on my AP Government diorama!” Which he had no intention of doing ‘til May.

“That’s not due ‘til May.”

Shit. He needed to take another approach. “But Mum-”

Rolling her eyes, his mother took her plate to the sink. “I swear, you’re the only teenage boy to argue with his parents over going on a cruise. Your dad and I have already discussed it, and we’re most likely going.”

“You’ll enjoy it, Andrew! All the... sand… and, er, water…” His father wrinkled his nose as he tried to come up with reasons that even made the slightest bit of sense.

“And girls! There’ll be lots of girls on the boat for you to meet. Get your mind off you-know-who.” His mum winked at him and he sunk further into his chair.

“Her name was Shannon, mum, she wasn't an evil wizard.”

“Well, she might as well have been. Taking all our little Andrew’s happiness away-”

“You know what, I just remembered, I do have plans over spring break. I’ve got loads to do. Like killing myself.”

“You can kill yourself after the cruise, dear.” She kissed him on top of his head and ruffled his hair.

“Thanks, mum.”

After dinner, his father approached him. “Andrew, I know that this doesn’t exactly fit your, you know, theater-books-whatever bill of fun, but your mother really wants us to spend some time together as a family. She’s worried about you, you know.”

“Worried? Why would-”

“You may not realize it, but you’ve been acting… differently since you split with Shannon. I know that you probably loved her, and she was your first girlfriend, but you need to get out, have some fun while you’re still young. You’ve got three months until you graduate high school, and you won’t have time for as much fun. So please, Andrew, do this for your mother, and do this for you.” He patted his son on the back, obviously proud of his little speech.

“Are you quite done?” Andrew said, half-jokingly.

“I am. Did I do okay? Was it effective? I wasn’t sure on my delivery-”

“You did fine, dad.”

Smiling, his father placed a hand on Andrew’s shoulder. “But really, son, the sooner you say yes the sooner your mother packs and the sooner we don’t have to endure her meltdown three hours before we leave.”

“I-okay, dad, but only for mum.” Andrew rolled his eyes. He would do it, but he wasn’t going to like it. He had a reputation as a teenager to uphold, dammit.

“Besides, you never know.” He shrugged. “You could meet someone.”

Andrew scoffed. “Please, dad, this isn’t Titanic. Whirlwind cruise ship romances don’t ever happen in real life.”

chapter i chapter ii

fanfiction, jesse/andrew, jewnicorn

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