Title: December’s Children
Chapter Five : Don’t Look Back
djarum99Characters: Jack, Elizabeth, Will, Ragetti, Bootstrap, the crew of the Nereid
Rating: N17
Pairing: J/E, J/W/E implied
Disclaimer: Disney owns the world of pirates, and I make no profit
Warnings: post- AWE (spoilers), slightly AU, sexual encounters, baby!fic
A/N: This is a multi-chapter fic in the Sympathy for the Devil universe (Sympathy chapters are listed here in my
fic index), and takes place after the events of that story. The title is from a song on the Mick Jagger album Goddess In The Doorway, lyrics are
here. A nod here, to
artaxastra and the omniscient and all-powerful OneBrain *g* I offer my heartfelt gratitude to
writing_samsara for her support and her beta on Jack’s narrative. Holiday blessings to all of you who read - I hope this finds you well. Feedback and comments are much appreciated, as always. X-posted to
C.1C.2C.3C.4 C.5 - Don't Look Back