Title: Cold Rating: PG Disclaimer: I wouldn't be doing this if I owned them, would I? Summary: On a cold night, both Jack and Will find things to be jealous of.
Wonderful imagery, as always- the whole piece has a chill air about it, and of course the symmetry of burying Will in cold(er) climes is perfect. I also like the parallel of Elizabeth becoming pregnant just as Will is dying, and how she truly does care for and mourn him, only as a sister.
BTW, any further updates on 'Reels' in the pipeline? That first chapter really piqued my interest.
Very glad you enjoyed reading it. We're finally getting really chilly weather up here and it seemed perfect inspiration for this. I really should post pictures of the cemetery that inspired this when I find them. It's a fitting place to bury a sailor, for sure.
Reels is actually done, but I'm having some issues with the ending, so I've been holding off on posting. That and my bloody wedding invites needing to go out... I hope to get another chapter up soon or I can email you it if you'd like.
Comments 12
BTW, any further updates on 'Reels' in the pipeline? That first chapter really piqued my interest.
Reels is actually done, but I'm having some issues with the ending, so I've been holding off on posting. That and my bloody wedding invites needing to go out... I hope to get another chapter up soon or I can email you it if you'd like.
Very well done.
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