Title: Monsoon, Chapter 3 (Finally!)
Author: sage_laurel
Rating: NC/17 - big time. Not for anyone under 18 - contains strong sexual activity.
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth
Warnings: DMC spoilers.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the smut in my brain. All belongs to Disney et al.
Summary: It all begins, in rain and lightning... Takes place post-AWE. Prequel
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Comments 27
I love you for writing a beautiful chapter, and the hot sex too :P
What language was that?
I think our Jack is secretly quite an edjucated man, not from books or schooling but from living. He'd need to speak French and Spanish to sail where he has, I think. I imagine he'd pick up some crew here and there that would teach him.
Anyhow ... need to review on this hell of a brilliant chapter!
"No hay vuelta de aquí, mi amor.." - there is no return from here, my love..
"Venido para mí, dulzor.." - Come for me, sweetness..
"Mi amor, mi querida - my love, my darling..
Whew! Thank you for translating, I liked it before but knowing what he's saying makes it even hotter!
Very well done, thank you for sharing, and for posting the 3rd chapter before I went freakin' crazy! ;)
Baby that was the hottest thing like, ever. Hearing him roll the words out of his mouth.... NNNGGGGHHH
and awwwwww "querida" that is so great, that really gets at the deep affection he has for her ♥
Your writing is very poetic and full of imagery, MANY kudos!
I love Jack speaking spanish, and I *love* the lightning moments.
However, I am so drained from cranking out 2 chapters in 12 hours that i need a little break for a few days. The smutbunnies have stomped on me and beaten me to a pulp, and now i need a drink and a nap.
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