Apr 05, 2021 08:55
Unless I’ve explicitly told you that I don’t trust you or that you’re a bad or evil person, if I know you then I want to at least occasionally see you face to face, and I’m willing to help facilitate travel to make that happen if necessary. I drafted part of a much wordier version of this post, but scrapped it for this.
Unless I’ve explicitly said otherwise, when I invite you to visit I am offering you a guest room to stay in, a place to work remotely, use of some of my tools and toys for going on adventures, and food while you’re here. If you’re going to be here for weeks to months there’s a good chance I’ll ask you to contribute to the costs of the house/community, but that won’t ever be an unstated expectation.
I am hopeful of and predict that while you’re here we will do adventurous and/or tourist-y things together. Since I’m writing this in Hawaii those things might include hiking, bushwhacking, swimming, snorkeling, biking, and shopping. When I was in SF it would have leaned more toward museums and art, with hikes more distant.
For some of you, I’m also hopeful that you’ll choose to share my bed and/or engage in some kinky adventurousness while you’re here. The degree of that hope and certainty in my predictions of it coming to pass might be double what they would be in less coordinated interactions we’ve had in the past, if putting a number to it helps you make sense of things as it does for me.
Neither of the hopes above are obligations. The only obligations you have if you accept my invitation are those of a responsible adult human, to communicate when necessary, be honest, and fulfill the commitments you’ve made.
I hope to see you some day, soon or otherwise!