Jan 08, 2009 22:28
The busiest day on my calendar in the last 3 months, in terms of events I want to attend and I know at least some of my friends will be at, and that includes NYE. This prompts two questions.
First, about this specific day... Where will YOU (my loyal LJ-replying friends) be? I am torn between the following (in order of current personal preference):
Whippersnappers (the local 21-39 bdsm / fetish play group)
Frosted Fetish Ball (by secretroom.net)
Momocon Winter Ball (a dance for anime fans in formal attire)
Blast-Off Burlesque
Second, about calendars in general... A number of you have expressed surprise over the last few months when I tell them where I plan to be on a given weekend. Locals who attend a number of club/fetish/bdsm/other events but apparently are not in the loop about all such events. I follow the secretroom, dark_atlanta, and spring4thcenter LJ groups, and am on a number of relevant yahoo groups and other mailing lists. I currently keep all my plans on a Google Calendar, which is public, but I understand that a lot of people don't use any calendaring software and don't want the "extra work" of learning to. So, I ask you all, where can I post a public calendar of such events that would be easiest for you all to see them? I don't plan to send out invitations, just keep a list. Should I just link to my Google Calendar? Move those events to a Facebook calendar of some sort (which, if not the default app?)? Track them on LJ or *shudder*MySpace in some way? Tell me what you want, that will greatly impact my ongoing calendaring decisions.
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