As of 25 April, 2011....

Apr 25, 2031 07:00

As much as I hate to do this, the time has come.  After over 7 years on LiveJournal, my blog is now going Friends Only.  Those of you who have been with me for any length of time may remember that I considered this action when I found myself "stalked" by someone interested in my jousting connexions.  At the time, I opted to lock any entries that dealt with the knights in a personal capacity, and only mentioned them publicly when it had something to do with an event or other promotion.  More recently, I have found myself attacked on a personal level.  Initially, I determined that I would lock most of my entries "for awhile"... but as time went on, I realised I had no way of determining when I could stop.  Sadly, I can see no other choice.

Entries That Will Remain Public:  Scripture posts, devotional posts, joust promotions, fanfiction, sale posts, icon giveaways.

Entries That Will Be Locked:  Pretty much anything personal, especially having to do with my friends and family.

Friending Policy:  Fairly lax, as ever.  Just comment to be added.  So long as we have something in common (be it friends, a community, or interests), I'll most likely add you back.  One of the reasons I've put off doing this is because I feel it defeats the purpose of online blogging.  LJ already seems to be in a slow decline, and I hate taking an action that will only further the isolation of those still posting.  Let's keep talking!
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