8th Day of Christmas: Gift for karuka_ikashi

Jan 02, 2012 00:15

Title: Round the World
Author: kirin_saga
Recipient: Karuka_Ikashi
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Romano/Spain, Germany/Italy (implied)
Word Count: 15803
Rating: R, to be safe.
Warnings: Mpreg
Summary: Spain's sick.

Part 1

Round the World: Part 2 )

rating: r, round: 2011

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karuka_ikashi January 3 2012, 11:51:03 UTC
Zomg, you are wonderful! XD Thanks so much for writing this. <3 I really enjoyed reading it, and look forward to more if you're able to extend it.

I'm such a huge sucker for seme!Romano and uke!Spain. I liked that you pointed out that Spain really is the "motherly type" out of the two of them. I wish there were more mom!Spain fics out there, but now thanks to you, there is! I was sad when Romano walked out on Spain, but at least he came back, and it was really sweet at the end when he started smiling and getting excited about their son. I wonder what they'll end up naming him. XD

Poor Spain having to go through labor...I felt sorry for him during the whole pregnancy! It was cute to see Romano fussing over him and trying to get help when the other was suffering. It showed how much he really cared about him. Thank goodness for China, too. The couple would have been pretty screwed without him.

I think one of my favorite parts was actually when Spain fell and Romano got so worried over him. It really shocked him back into reality and made him realize how he'd feel if the baby had been lost, which was important considering how reluctant he was to be a father in the first place. I'm glad the baby was alright!

Anyway, thanks again for this gift. You did an awesome job, and made me really happy! XD Lots of kudos to you~ <3


kirin_saga January 5 2012, 16:32:03 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried part two would be too rushed to be any good.

I love uke!Spain more than anything, really, so I was thrilled to see pregnant!Spain on your request list. And for some reason, mpregs turn out to be my longest fics.

To me, Spain seems more motherly than most countries (Finland being an exception. *thinks* They should start a mothers' club, or something. And now I'm picturing Romano calling Spain his wife and getting together with Sweden for a guy's night out). Spain's always fussing over those he cares about. Also, in my headcanon, Spain always treated his colonies like they were his children. It was his bosses that were cruel.

I know a few other mom!Spain fics. Bebe by Lili and RayRay, Little Potato by flyff, Twins by Kishiro Kitsune are all Romano/Spain. Sadly, they are unfinished, but I'm hoping if they get some more reviews, the authors will remember them. Twins is part of a larger series. I know a few others, but they're not Romano/Spain. And I was working on another mom!Spain fic, but it's on hold until I finish working on this one.

Romano always seems to be running from his problems, and this is no different. That he did so quietly instead of blowing up at Spain surprised even me, and I'm the one that wrote it. When I rewrite the chapter, it'll take more to get him to come back, because he really is very stubborn.

I have the name all picked out, as well as everything that would go on a birth certificate (in America, at least. I don't know how different the certificates are in other countries). Would you like to know?

Spain is Romano's treasure, really, so of course he'd fuss. I was unsure about using China, because he always seems to get stuck with the role of doctor, but he really did seem like the best choice. They would have had to go to him anyways, since he's so old and would therefore know more about Nation reproduction than anyone else.

I hope to go into more detail about how The Fall effected everyone, because that's also one of my favorite parts (I'm so mean to my favorite characters). And Romano really needed a good swift kick, didn't he? I don't think the baby was real to him until then.

You're welcome! Thanks for the excellent review!

Also, I've posted chapter one on FF.Net.


karuka_ikashi January 10 2012, 11:15:16 UTC
Sorry for the slow response. XD; I forgot I hadn't answered this. I'm glad I was able to get matched with someone who likes uke!Spain as much as I do! Spain really would make a good "mom", and yeah, the idea of Romano calling him his wife amuses me too! XD

Thank you for the fic recs too; I've already started checking some of those out! Maybe I'll write one of my own someday, but for now I'm looking forward to seeing this continued. I put a story alert on it on FF.net! I would like to know the baby's name! I always thought it'd be the cuter if they had a daughter, but I like the idea of them with a son too! I wonder if he'd take after Lovi or Toni more...My guess is that he'd have a little of both. XD If it's possible to be happy-go-lucky and tsundere at the same time.

I'm looking forward to more if you decide to elaborate on the Fall too. Romano really did need that, though I'm sure it scared Spain to death too (enough to keep him off the stairs anyway).

Thanks again for writing~! I feel lucky to have gotten a nice long fic like this from someone who has a passion for my prompt! <3 You really did a great job~


kirin_saga January 17 2012, 00:22:46 UTC
You know, I actually found a fic where Antonio was called Lovino's wife? It's an AU, and Feli was the one calling him Lovino's wife. It's What I Do by Anon (on the kink meme). I wish I knew who the author is so I can check to see if they ever finished it.

And, by the way, I just finished reading this amazing fic (also AU) that has uke!Antonio. It really is amazing. And oh my god, I just now realized it's a series. Good thing I was looking up the link for you. Heist Verse by counterheist.

Anyways, on to talking about my fic. This may sound strange, but could you give me a date, mid to late Feburary, that you want to see the completed chapter two? Because without a deadline, my laziness comes out to play.

I like them having a son, but if the story goes on long enough, I may give them a second child. I haven't really thought of the baby's personality, really, other than newborn cuteness/brattiness/feed-me-now-ness... Ok, so Romano's genes are showing there.

Maybe happy go lucky with a very short temper? I don't know yet. But now my mind wants to call him Bipolar Baby like it's some kind of superhero name. Or something.

So... here is the baby's name: Marcello Vargas Fernandez. I read somewhere that in Spain, it's Given-name Father's-surname Mother's-surname. I hope I got the order right. All I could find about Italian naming customs was that granchildren got named after their grandparents a lot. I could be wrong about that, though now that I think about it, that could explain why Romano is named after Rome.

It takes a lot to scare Spain, I think, but anything that can hurt his baby is probably at the top of his list right now. I think, before then, that his shifting center of gravity was more an annoyance than a real concern.

Like I said, ask me to write mpreg and the fic won't want to end! And all the compliments are making me blush!


karuka_ikashi January 17 2012, 11:12:02 UTC
Haha, that's great! XD I'll have to give those a read. I like counterheist's work so I'm sure I'll enjoy that.

Hmm...is Valentine's Day too early? It'd be nice to have something fun with my favorite couple to read. XD It still gives you a good month though. I'll definitely look forward to it!

Ooo, two kids? That would be awesome! It'd be even better if they planned it out instead of it being another accident, I think. Though really, it could be fun either way. I tend to think of the baby inheriting Romano's fussiness too. XD But there's probably a decent amount of Spain in there too. LOL, bipolar baby indeed.

And your name choice is cute~ I think you got it right about the names. I've heard that naming babies after their grandparents is popular in Greece, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true in Italy too.

Spain would make such a doting mom. XD I'd really love to see him fussing over the baby and smoothering him with love (maybe even to the point that Lovino gets jealous of the attention his son's getting). Of course "Papa" would have a big soft spot for his kid too. Aww, it makes me all melty inside when I think about it.

I hope you've been getting some good feedback from other people about this too~ It definitely deserves it!


karuka_ikashi February 17 2012, 07:48:45 UTC
Hey, what's up? I was just wondering if you had gotten a chance to update this fic yet? I checked ff.net, but I didn't see it. No worries if you can't right away, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still looking forward to it when you do!


kirin_saga February 19 2012, 00:47:08 UTC
I'M SORRY! I've been busy applying for college (and panicking about applying for college), so none of my fics were getting worked on. Very much. I did work on my outline and notes.

Also, sorry for the late reply. My inbox is pure chaos.

And by the way, I've created an uke!Spain community! Please join uke_spain !


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