Deadline Passed

Jan 02, 2010 00:41

The deadline for turning in your gifts has officially passed. I've either received gifts from or granted extensions for all but three people, so if you are one of those three, please contact me ASAP. If you have not received a confirmation email from me, I do not have your gift/I don't have you marked down for an extension.

In order to avoid flooding everyone's flist, and to give those with extensions time to get their gifts in, I'm going to be posting three fics a day, starting today. Everything will remain anonymous until all gifts are in and I have posted the list of who had whom. Once that list is posted, you're all free to post your gifts elsewhere, but I do ask that it remains anonymous until then.

I hope that everyone has had a fun time with this exchange so far, and that you all enjoy your gifts. :)


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