
Dec 25, 2010 02:31

Merry Christmas everyone!

This is just a reminder that gifts are due in one week, on January 1st by 11:59 PM PST. Please send all gifts to We've gotten a couple already and I've replied to those emails, so if you've sent your gift but you haven't received a reply, then we don't have it.

If you need to request an extension, please do so ASAP. The deadline for those granted an extension is January 8th by 11:59 PM PST. Anything not in by then will be assigned a pinch hitter.

If you need to drop, also let us know that ASAP so that we can assign a pinch hitter.

I'm an airhead and forgot to collect email addresses on the pinch hitting list, so if a pinch hit is needed, I'll be messaging you on your LJ accounts. If anyone would still like to sign up to be a pinch hitter, that post can be found here.

Thanks and I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!


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