Oct 28, 2008 01:43
Mah birthday is next Sunday. It feels like forever since my last birthday. I remember it exactly but everything has changed so much since then. For the better.
I reread some of my old posts. It's weird. I haven't posted since July. Since mc-bitch-face decided to infringe on territory way outside her jurisdiction. Yeah well she's learned now, learned that we won't tolerate that bullshit. And I will react to her if she does it again, and she will lose. She did lose, in fact. But she lost about a year and a half ago, when I won.
I got all the final boxes from my parents house. I found my Gir doll (^_^!) and several other various things I forgot about. And some things I didn't forget but were missing.
I got my druid and pally both up to 70, and mostly epic'ed. I know it sounds like I'm an uber nerd but I've been playing for years that's why I have 2. And a level 38 hunters. Hunters are SO EASY. It's ridiculous, you don't even have to try. You CAN try, and when you try and know how to play the character, you're better. But if you don't know, ... well there's a reason they're called "huntards."
Not gonna have money for WotLK. So oh well. I'm sure we'll scrape together the change eventually.
Finances have been a little tight. But who's hasn't been, these days? I tell you what though filling up my tank, from empty line to full, for 30$, for the first time in ... over a year? Priceless.
We're slowly getting out of debt. I was really overwhelmed at one point in time, didn't know how we were going to pay off all the debt that was accruing from every source. But we're working on it. And it's gonna work. By hook or by crook. (hopefully I won't have to become a crook?)
I haven't had any zombie dreams lately. I wonder if I'm getting more sane? My life is a lot easier than it was. Trying to budget finances so we pay all our bills, however, is much easier than trying to figure out who's couch I'll be sleeping on when I leave work.
The dogs are happy. Dexter especially. You can see in his demeanor that he's happy with Mike and me. He's no longer uncomfortable or afraid. This is home for him. And that wasn't easy for him, he was used to living at my parents house for... a year and a half, I think?
I'm so excited I'm about to get my vacation balances for hitting one year, and for the next year. So I'll get like a lump sum of about a month of vacation time. Which is mostly all usable over the next 12 mos.
It's strange to think I'm getting older. I mean I know I'm not old. But thinking about, I'm about to be 20. I'm no longer a teenager and never will be again. No longer am I the "barely legal" girl. God I cherished that title and the attention it brought with it, on MMO's and IRC. I guess also I've grown up, so I don't cherish it anymore. Which is good. That was a very shallow time of my life. But anyway, I'll be 20.
And Mike and I just hit a year and a half. And I'm thinking, in April we'll have been together for 2 years. 2 years? And don't get me wrong I love every moment of it, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life, so two years is a small time in comparison to the remaining years I'm sure we'll spend together, but I can't believe it's already been a year and a half. It doesn't seem that long. Yet it does? I can't imagine my life without him, and I can't remember the days, and how I got by, without someone so amazing to complete me. I think I was okay then because I didn't know how good life could be. I dated such douchebags in high school, but I went from one douchebag to another, never knowing what it's like to be in a good, strong, healthy relationship. It's like those kids who grow up in an abused household. They don't know it's not okay to punch your wife in the eye, because that's what they grew up in. Not that I'm insinuating my parents are douchebags, but you get the point.
The only other thing that annoys me about being so young, is I am a total hypocrite. I hate young people "IN LUUURRVVVEEE." "oh em gee I'm gonna stay with him forever, we've only been dating a week." And so forth. But I'm one of them. From almost day one I knew it was right. And I think actually I was more afraid because I knew it was right. There was no time for screw ups because this was the real thing, this was the person I'd been looking for. The person I was pretty sure did not exist. And now here I am, 19 and "IN LUUURRVVVEEEE" only it's real. So who am I to say their love is not real as well? Except if you're a 16 year old money grubbing whore. Who steals hairdryers. That, I will say, is not love. Gimme back my hairdryer, bitch.
Before I met Mike I couldn't fathom staying with someone for the rest of my life. And I understood why divorce rate was so high. But I also couldn't understand why people would marry someone they, ultimately, knew they would not really stay with. And then I wonder if maybe divorce rate is so high because they just don't try. Yes, sometimes it's a lot easier to just walk away from a relationship, say fuck you, get your shit and go. But it's a lot more rewarding to work it out with someone that you love and really ultimately don't want to live without. I know there were times when my parents just about divorced out of frustration, but they didn't. Why? Because they love each other. And when you LOVE someone, more than you love yourself, you'll do anything in the world for that person. And now I understand, NOW I see, how people can get married and stay together forever.
We went to church and one of the old ladies there were talking about all the old couples that have died over the years we've been gone. She talked about this one couple who, the wife always took care of the husband and was always free spirited and on the go, and went into the doctor's and they found that her entire body was ridden with cancerous tumors. And she died, all of a sudden. And her husband, who was fighting death for years, gave up and died two days later. And I thought it was sad but in the same way almost nice. When I'm that old, if something ever happened to Mike, I couldn't even imagine living without him. Especially if we've spent our entire lives together. Your life partner of 60 something years, is suddenly gone? I'd rather just go with them.
I got 2 rats. They're adorable. I love 'em. I missed having rats. And I got dumbos, their big ears just make me wanna cuddle em. But rats are not highly cuddleable creatures. Their names are Hero, from the Shakespearean play, and Nora, from Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House."
We've been watching a lot of Ghost Hunters. It's freaky. Some of the things that happen. And I will say that I believe them because they go in and debunk a lot of things. I don't like Ghost Hunters International. The places are amazing, but the crew are a bunch of douchebags. But seriously go to the sci fi channel website and watch ghost hunters. It's awesome.
Okay going back to sleep. Or gonna attempt to, anyway.