Wow!! I go away a while due to health problems and now I am happy to be back to the chaos. So much to update...So little time to do it in.
I go back to work next week!! ^_^ been out over a a month and a half due to my kidneys...they went kaplunk and I had to do dialsysis now for the rest of my life. But things are looking better!! I can finally breathe!!!
I've been watching some anime while I've been out"
Ain't he the cutest thing!!! I fell in love the moment I saw all the goreous guys...yummy!!! A must see for the ladies!!!
Poor boy! the freakin government is trying to get him after training him for so long. Mind you you find out they killed his father and he trying to find out why!! then he finds out he's a prince!! More like princess to me since he is so damn cute!!
another get series for you guys to check out is Ghost hound: Does the phrase, creepy as heck come to
Does the phrase creepy as heck come to mind when you see these three. Each teenager has a deep dark secret and they are all connected to each other. I got my brother hooked on this and he is very particular about mind games.
I also watch the classic Hausa with my brother's girlfriend. it came of IFC but I only caught the taill end of it. That is a weird movie. If you want to laugh from the imaginery but have a really good time doing hausa aka house. You actually get on the side of the villian it is so silly.