† - Maison De Portes Application - †

Aug 27, 2011 07:31

Player's Name: Gann
Contact info: gunsofsummers(at)gmail.com / ursleepyanarchy [aim]
LJ: gunsofsummer

Character: Elizabeth Anne Sherman (Aka: Liz, Sparky)
Canon: Hellboy
Version: Movie verse (with some event history from comics)
Canon Point: At the end of the first movie she has returned from death/near death. She and Hellboy share a heated kiss and the movie fades to black. The next movie shows that she stayed to work with the B.P.R.D. And some concept art is floating around with her in between the two movies. So I would like to take her from very shortly after the end of movie one, mostly because she'd be dressed, for one, and not pregnant, for two. If this is an issue, please let me know!
Age: 29 - Born April 15th 1975 (the year is 2004).
Gender: Female

Hellboy Movie on Wikipedia: Plot
Hellboy 1 Synopsis on IMBD: Plot Interestingly detailed!
Hellboy Wiki: Liz (Live Action Film Section Only)
Biography Info by Guillermo del Toro. This page is a write up, word for word from the special edition DVD. It’s the Biography on Liz that is available on DVD. I typed it up to add to my character info because it gives a lot of her back story that the movie doesn’t show out right.
Comic Book Religions: More for my own reference. Catholic.

For reference points for those who don’t read the links (because I’m sure some of them are annoying):

~Childhood Incident: A quick over view of her child hood. She was born and raised by a loving couple who after some time had trouble and spoke of divorce. Her parents moved around a lot, so she never managed to make or keep friends very long. This might have been a good thing, the moving, as she often had small incidents in school with explosions and fire. By time records made it to a school she had already moved on to the next. Even though her parents didn't blame her for their divorce, she blames herself for it. When she was 11 she had an incident that killed several children and other people, including her mother in a court yard.

~Hellboy, Abe & Broom: She considers Hellboy her oldest friend and after a while her lover. The two share a lot in common, though she has a hard time explaining her feelings for him to him. It scares her to give in like that. She calls him Red or HB.

Abe, who she considers her closest friend is someone easy to confide in. She silently considers him family; really, all three of them are. She calls him Abe or Blue.

Professor Broom, Hellboy’s “father” found her at a halfway house when she was seventeen. He took her in and helped her learn a bit about how to handle her powers. He’s always been very kind and understanding to her. His recent death was a tragic event that helped push her to stay by HB’s side longer. She called him Professor, for the most part.

~B.P.R.D.: The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. Originally directed by Professor Broom the B.P.R.D. is a secret government facility closely linked with the FBI to do research and defense on paranormal activity. Liz works off and on for them as part of Paranormal Researchers Teams.

~The Pittsburgh Incident: This happened in 2002 Braddock Town, PA. Six agents enter a small steel town outside of Pittsburgh to investigate demonic entities. Something happened to trigger Liz’s abilities and though she warned everyone to get out she wasn’t able to hold back the power. A mile radius was exploded around her killing the other four agents, destroying property and causing major fire issues. The only other survivor was Hellboy. She had herself locked away in a mental hospital in an attempt to keep others safe from her.

~Current: Liz, still suffering from guilt over the Pittsburgh incident, ‘runaway’ from Hellboy and the team to sit in a mental hospital and try to feel ‘normal’ there. Hellboy visited often, but she asked that if he loved her at all he’d stay away. Rasputin appeared in her room at the mental hospital and while she slept he helped awaken her dreams of fire, causing her to have an episode in the middle of her sleep, blowing up a wing of the mental hospital she was in.

After that John Myer managed to convince her to come back to the Bureau, but she said it was ‘only for the weekend’. That weekend Professor Broom was killed, a tragic death for Hellboy as the man was nearly his father. She spoke with Abe about staying in case Hellboy needed her; with Abe's careful advice she decided to do so, and even decided to go to Moscow with Hellboy and crew, to help out. In other words ‘just for the weekend’ turned into ‘I’m back’.

Rasputin, alive again, attempted to open a portal to bring 7 gods to the planet. He needs Hellboy’s stone arm to open the portal. Wanting Liz’s power to help amplify his own, Rasputin hoped that he can use the girl to make Hellboy do as he wanted and force the big red demon to open the gates; in the end he succeeded. Through the course of the Moscow trip, Liz was split off form Hellboy and on her own with only John. Trapped in a chamber with monsters she forced John to help her release her anger as well as her burning powers. She managed to set the room on fire but unable to properly control it she passed out. Hellboy, John and Liz were all captured by Rasputin.

Placed on an alter before Hellboy and unconscious, Rasputin sued Liz's life to entice Hellboy to open the portal. When he refused Rasputin then sucked the soul out of her body then told Hellboy that it “lies on the other side of the portal”, and to open it. “For her...” he did as told. Liz was out of it for all of this, appearing to be dead. When the last battle was over John tells Hellboy she has no pulse. HB leaned in and whispered something in her ear that manages to bring her soul back to her and wake up. She appears to accept his love easier after that, the movie ending in heated kiss.

They returned to headquarters where Liz has agreed to stay, yet again joining the group and taking up her spot next to HB and Abe.

As a Note on her History with the BPRD between all this, I am glomping together 'events' from the comics into her 'movie' history, mostly to help round out things for her. There is a little difference here and there but nothing that doesn't work out. If details are needed, please ask.

Personality: A quick overview of Liz would show that she is moody, shy around strangers, and a bit distant. She’s a nice girl though, but she's had a troubled and guilt lined past that tends to make her withdraw a bit. That and she has this longing to be ‘normal’; to fit in. She's a little bit broken, and a little bit confused, somewhat lost but very much trying to get herself on the right track.

She has an extreme case of guilt, as well as survivors’ guilt. There are lots of things in her past that she feels is her fault (and most of the time it was her fault), like her parents divorce or her mothers death, or even the death of so many other people all at once when she was 11. The survivors’ guilt comes from the Pittsburgh Incident where four other members of her team were killed because of the lack of her own control with her powers. Their deaths and the death and destruction of a mile radius around her rests heavily in her mind. That was two years ago. Being raised Catholic doesn’t help either.

Liz dislikes being abnormal and longs to take her place in ‘The Big Out-there’ as she puts it. For the most part she just wants to be normal because she thinks it will make things better some how. To be normal, to like normal things means she can live a good and happy life, right? It takes her a while to realize that she really doesn’t mind being a freak when she has friends like Hellboy and Abe; as Abe said “If there's trouble, all us freaks have is each other” which is starting to sink in now. She’s... happier with Hellboy and the program.

Running away from things has always solved lots for her. She ran away from the projects and care homes she was placed in, she ran away from school, and when Professor Broom found her and took her in she ran away from him as well. Though the difference was with the Professor and his program... she always returned, one way or another. When things get awkward or strange between her and the teams she packs up and ‘runs away’. When the Pittsburg incident happened, after the cover up of all those deaths and the fires were over, she ‘ran away’ again by checking herself into a hospital.

With all her running away habits she is actually a reliable person. If something needs to be done, if she can handle it she will try and get it done. She might not care to work with others often but she can work with a group of people, though it's easier when it's her friends.

She has a large aversion to using her powers. They are hard for her to control (though she is getting better at it!) and is in constant fear of them over taking something again. She's had one too many incidents where her powers have killed people.

Fears: Losing control. Hurting others. To a strange extent she fears being alone. To explain, Liz fears most of all losing control of her power and hurting others with it. When she does lose control of her powers she blacks out, most the time someone or something has died when these incidents happen. Being locked or trapped in a a space that she can't get out (or others can't leave) is also a great fear. With all of that, deep down she doesn't like being alone. She wants to be normal and live a normal life. Being able to stare at a wall for hours, alone and doing nothing is simple and relaxing, but knowing she is alone bothers her. As much as she pushes herself away form others in the end she just wants to be accepted by others.

In the end her greatest fear is loss of control and hurting others because of it. The fear of feeling the burning pull up from her chest and spread out over her body, reaching out and raising in temperature, escalating out of her control. The fear of the fires leaping form her hands, her head and body, igniting the area around her on fire. That feeling of black starting to fill her sight, the throbbing headache and dizziness. Her mind starting to lose its control as it starts to pass out. The fear of waking up in a charred room with smoking dead bodies littered around her; alone.

Weaknesses: As said before she has a weakness with her powers. Through pain or a short temper she might spike and lose control of her fire powers. Keeping calm and not angered is best to keep her powers down. She doesn't drink or do drugs or anything that will alter her mind or let her lose control of herself. She has a small weakness about seeing friends or children being hurt. She doesn't like it and it tends to get on her short temper.

Mundane Strengths/Abilities: She is trained by the B.P.R.D in several forms of defense as well as gun skills. She can strip, clean and arm her self in a very short amount of time. She has impressive aim and skill with hand guns. Liz is fairly smart, though she might not show that off too often, lingering back at times to let others talk things over first. Physically she's fit and in good health. Mentally she's a bit unstable at times.

Sensitivity/Magical Ability: Pyrokinetic/Pyrokinesis: The ability to hold mental control over fire/flames. She can mentally produce fire out of thin air needing no 'perfect' conditions of environment, element or good weather. The fire generally projects from her hands first then surrounds her body in a protective cocoon of super hot blue flames. The color varies by temperature as any normal fire would. At the height of her powers she can destroy a rather large radius around her with a blast of super heated blue flames (this has been recorded to over a mile around).

She's still learning to control her powers. She can turn it off and on easy enough but it's harder to stop when she's upset or in pain. Her powers can be easily triggered with pain and if she doesn't concentrate on controlling her temper she could lose control.

Supply List: Liz is being pulled in full gear with her belts and pockets and reliquary and other odds and ends. Things to get her by in the field, along with a flashlight and her communicator. She will also have her B.P.R.D. issued Glock 22, much like all the other B.P.R.D. and FBI agents use.

Game Transfers: N/A!

Sample RP post:
They had belted up, putting on the gear and getting ready for a job. It should have been simple, really. It was an old routine that she had gotten used to. Pay attention to the director talk, poke Hellboy into actually paying attention and know that she would have to fill him in on the mission later anyhow. She had fallen out of commission not long ago but since Professor Brooms death and the Moscow incident things had returned to normal. Again.

She was headed down the hall, slipping her vest on and secured it around her waste, the thick feel of bullet proofing weighting heavy on her chest, almost a comfort. Thick black tomboy boots made little sound as she walked across the stone floor, only to change as she took one more step. The world slipped around her and everything seemed to shift. Stutter stepping to a halt she blinked, looking around the strange room that was suddenly there.

What the hell? She thought to herself, head whipping around to stare at a large wooden door. She looked back into the room, then back to the door again. A moment later she turned to the door and grabbed the handle, shaking it to find it was locked. “What gives!” She growled to herself, slapping a hand on the door twice before giving it a hard pull. Nothing.

With one small kick to the door she backed off, turning to keep her back to it and looking around. Her hand fumbled for the small flashlight next to her gun, her finger lingering to make sure she had in fact loaded it to her belt. Her thumb switched on a small communicator, turning a light blue color she spoke.

“HB. HB, this is Sparky. Where are you?” She paused for a moment, eyes shifting through the dark of the room. “Red? Do you read?” There was nothing at all coming in on her side. Reaching a finger up she tapped the ear piece tucked around her ear. Nothing but static.

“Come on Red... what's going on.” Her voice was barely a whisper, spoken more to herself. This wasn't part of the mission. This wasn't anywhere near the B.P.R.D. This... this couldn't be happening.

ooc, character, info

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