(sort of) Fic: The day he left

May 27, 2010 18:33

Title:  The day he left
Auther:  sparkyqueen
Fandom:  Star Trek XI (sort of) 
Pairing: none
Summary: Why she is who she is...
Notes: this was actually written for an english SAC, i was writting a persausive essay thing and when i looked over it, i went 'what kind of bulshit is this?' and deleted it and wrote this....

Her earliest memory is of her dad quietly sobbing his farewell to her, promising to call her as much as her mother will let him. The shining tracks the tears left as clear to her now as the day they made their way down his cheeks. The gentle scrape of his stubble still tickles her when she brings this memory out of the box in the back of her head.

She remembers the soft brush of air as he had attempted to reign in his sobbing long enough to get his final words to her face to face; it had come in warm uneven huffs across her neck. He had held her close, strong arms warm against her back, large hands resting on her shoulder and waist, shaking slightly in time with his weeping.

“I love you, Jo-jo. Don’t you ever forget that. You hear me? I love you.” He had murmured into her shoulder, pulled away slightly and placed a kiss to her forehead, “Never forget that.” And then he had left. Picked up the tattered duffle bag and walked out the heavy oak door.

This is the only memory she has of her father.

This is why she hates her. She had driven him out. The only person who would ever love her unconditionally and the woman who claimed to be her mother had driven him out. The bitch even had the nerve to try and replace him. So she went out of her way to hurt her like she hurt her dad.

She would stay out for days on end, only coming back when she ran out of places to crash. She got piercings and screamed at her when she tried to take them out. She got a job to support herself as soon as she could so she would have to rely on that whore as little as possible.

She would have started failing school, but that would have hurt her dad too if he ever found out. So instead she is going to become a doctor like him, hurt her in the worst possible of way. Follow in his footsteps.

At the tender age of sixteen, she threw herself into her studies. Passing chemistry, health and human development and biology with flying colours.

By the time she was eighteen she had been accepted and given a scholarship into one of the top medical schools. Against her mother’s wishes she had packed the few things she owned and made her way to the train station.

Now she was waiting for her train into the big city, a tattered duffle bag in hand, she watched as a group of Amish said their goodbyes to each other, the young man giving a small toy to the boy. She envied the simple joy that spread across his face at the gift.

The sharp whistle of the train telling her to get on the train or stay stuck in this small town that held the bitch of a maternal figure, a figure she aspired not to become. She planned to become the best surgeon this side of the full of the moon. Perhaps find her absent father, show him his love wasn’t forgotten and what it had inspired her to become.

fic:star trek, joanna, mccoy

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