Melbourne Supanova 2012

Apr 18, 2012 22:31

So over the weekend I went to Supanova. Lots of fun was had. Lots of fellow cosplayers. Dancing was a favourite pastime. Money was spent. Contests entered and lost. And many photos were taken....

Image heavy content to follow, aka me spamming the pictures of the weekend... )


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xarciel April 18 2012, 12:44:28 UTC
Ooo~ very nice! And omg- you have all three katanas! [This was probably in your last con photos, but I didn't notice them then x)] The post-skip Perona looked great, and I'm pretty sure I even managed to find Where's Wally in there! *has great skills* 8)
I love the way cosplaying is a family event- you and your sis look awesome. Did she make her costume as well?

Oh, and that Death? He's my step-bro. :D The whole 6ft5 thing probably helps with the intimidation factor in his costume. x3


sparkyqueen April 18 2012, 12:55:31 UTC
Yeah I already had the katana.

Mum made my sister's costume, and supervised the making of mine.

Your step-brother is Death? My God it's a small world. Though it was more the thumbs up and creepy smile...


xarciel April 18 2012, 13:07:31 UTC
Did you get them online? I've been looking at cons for a Wadou but they only ever seem to have Bleach katanas. ><

Aww, cool~ Props to you and your mum then. It really is a family event.

I know right? And it's getting smaller all the time. x3
In fact I just went and checked his con photos, and he has one of your sis. xD


sparkyqueen April 18 2012, 13:10:59 UTC
$2 shop actually and I painted them. But I know what you mean about only selling Bleach swords.

She is the best.

Well to be fair, I think everyone got a photo of her, on purpose or she photobombed them...


xarciel April 18 2012, 13:16:06 UTC
Ahh, there's a clever idea. I might try that too. All I want is a decorative sword to hang on my wall. xD

Photobombing ftw. I think this was a proper one though. The other guy who I saw photobombing a lot was Squirtle, who's a guy I know from up here. I saw the video hipster Link made [again, a guy I know], and there was one interview where Squirtle was trolling so hard in the background. xD Have you seen the video?


sparkyqueen April 18 2012, 13:24:06 UTC
If you want decorative swords it's probably best to either buy it actually make it yourself. I have to repaint the swords for every con I use them at.

I may have done my fair share of photobombing as well. It's knid of funny how everyone knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone's brother, who knows someone's friend's ex-roommate, who knows someone else, who knows you, at these things.

And yeah I've seen the video.


xarciel April 18 2012, 13:37:51 UTC
*le sigh* Oh well, back to the drawing board then. xD

Six degrees of separation by dear, although at cons it usually seems closer to three at most... Helps that every one at cons is so friendly . Makes it easier to get to know new people. :3
Makes me want to come down for a con. Do you guys have another one coming up before Armageddon? I know Animania's not having one down there this year. D:


xarciel April 18 2012, 13:51:25 UTC
I just remembered Manifest. So keen right now. >>


sparkyqueen April 18 2012, 13:58:53 UTC
you could try I dont know if they do Zoro's swords but there are some pretty ones.

Sometimes it seems as if I or the people I'm wandering with know every other person there.

We have 2, OzComicCon and Manifest. Let me know if you decide to come down for one of them, you can join my con group for dinner.


xarciel April 18 2012, 14:25:02 UTC
I saw Mihawk's black blade, but none of Zoro's katana. x3

Ah, I won't be able to make it to OzComicCon, I'll still be in uni exams. It'll be Mani or bust for me- though now I've starting looking at the cost it may be bust.
I'll wait and see though, if I get other people to come down with me I should be able to split the cost to something more reasonable. Hopefully I'll be able to, it would be awesome. :D


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