(no subject)

Aug 10, 2010 17:29

The Desktop meme

you can blame  nikki4noo  for this post. i was innocently going through my friends page...

The "rules"
~Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper on their computer on LiveJournal.

~ Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!

~Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on.

Well a few days ago I got kinda bored with my old desktop. So I browsed DA for a bit. Went through a couple, like the companion cube, that didn't look quite right. I eventually ended up getting bored again and chucked this on, I can't remeber who it was by, so if it is your's leave a comment, also if you arn't happy with me using this just say so.... yeah.... THE GAME!!


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