May 11, 2004 21:32
yeah so... nothing really happening to much right know. yesterday was freaky. i asked my mom if i could take the PT Cruiser for a spin and she said "sure" so i did. so me and my little bro hopped on the Cruiser and took off. ok so i got down to the end of my street and took a right and some guy from the street across from me hopped in his Exterra and started to follow me. so i started to make series of right turns to see if he really was following me and guess what???? he kept following me. :/. so i went to take another right hand turn and the dude cut across the felid and cut me off and slammed on his brakes. i slammed on my brakes and flipped it in reverse and started to back up and drove off. the guy went back home finally so i decided to drive by his house and see what the dealeo was. the guy must be pissed because he started to give me fingure gesters that werent very pleasant, i gave some back to him though. i just went back home after that and told my mom and dad what happened and they said if they ever did it agian just run from them.. my parents are so kool :) now i have 2 dickheads that live by me. the guy in the Exterra is dickehad #2 and the guy right next to dickhead #2 is Dickhead #1. so yeah i live by abunch of DICKHEADS!! ok thats it....later