Spring Break 05'

Mar 27, 2005 22:00

I didn't get to really update much really over break. I guess I had some time butjust being at home and having the ability to just chillax kinda makes you lazy.

I started off break going to the city for Lo's B-day. Me and Jordan met up with him in Manhattan and had some dinner at Olive Garden. We were suppose to head to Stonewall after that but it turned out to be only 21 & up on Fridays. I had distinctly remembered it was 18 and up on Fridays. So we had to go find another place to go. After searching through a gay mag on the street and calling a bunch of people(btw thanx Shaun) we eventually found a club. I think it was called the Boys Room or Boys Only something like that. It turned out to be a hot club IMO. I liked the crowd and there were some fucking hot sporty go go boys. And the Gay Pimp was the DJ. I bumped into him coming out of coat check and he called me baby. lol It was a pretty fun night and I was glad we found the club. Now I have a new club to add to my list of clubs to party at.

Other than that night, the rest of my break was pretty uneventful. I spent most of the time at home playing video games with Dion. We played the shit out of the Mercenaries mini-game and unlocked all the special weapons, finally. haha I'm such a loser. C'mon when can you just play videogames and make a day out of it ever again? I also helped my nephew make people in the Sims 2. Fun shit. Anyway I hung out with my gurls too. I gave Kitty her usual foot massage. I told her I'd do it every other day but I only did it once this week. lol Anyway, I had Jona give me a pedicure. So now my feet look all clean and pretty. Rosie said I can wear sandals now. lol

I would have loved to go out during the week but because it was the end of Lent and Holy Week my parents wouldn't really let me. We had church like 4 days straight. I went to confession as well. Surprisingly I was the fastest one out of the confessional. Are you suppose to be specific with your sins? I think I just generalize and say basically I've done this, this and this. I don't really see the point. I try to stick to my faith but as far as sins go I have other opinions on what I believe is sin and what is not. So if I were actually following my religion like by the book there would be other things that I would have to confess. It's just very contradictive. But I do just enjoy the whole atmosphere of mass, the people, the organ music, the songs, etc. I never had break during Holy Week before so I haven't been to the Easter Vigil Mass in 2 years now. The whole ceremony with the candle lighting and everything was nice to experience again.

This brings me to the end of Spring Break. It was really nice getting to spend Easter Sunday with the family as well. Being the second youngest of my generation in my family we haven't done any of the fun Pagan things of Easter like painting Easter Eggs and having egg hunts because we're all pretty much grown up. But since we have our two nephews we got to do some of that fun stuff. Me, Dion and Jona painted some Easter Eggs for them. Mine came out all retarded. lol We had sucky old finger paints because the easter egg kit from the 99 cent store didn't provide the color tablets that it was suppose to have. Tita C had the kids look for the "eggs" she hid. They weren't actually eggs but cute little chicks with bunny ears that chirp if your hand covers the sensors on their feet. It was amusing watching Angelo and Alex play the hot and cold game.

So Lizzie and Tita C drove me back a couple of hours ago. I took some nice Filipino food back with me to have for dinner like diniguan(everyone needs to try this!), pancit, and lumpia shanghai. Jordan gave me a call when I got back and wanted to eat at Burger King. So I took my flip food to BK to eat. lol We ended up seeing Danny there and he took a break to eat with us. He's funny. He got me a free drink. :) Anyway I just got back from eating with them two and I'm watching Steel Magnolias on Lifetime as I'm writing this. I'm such a girl. lol I love Shirley MacLaine and Olympia Dukakis though. I love older lady actresses. I like that Shirley MacLaine is gonna play Endora on that Bewitched movie coming out. I might go see it. I don't really like the fact the Will Ferrel is playing the husband though but we'll see. Anyway it's suppose to be about actors being recast as the characters from the show or something like that not like an actual movie remake of the show. Shirley is perfect for the role though. Anyway lemme end this already long entry here and finish Steel Magnolias.
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