Testing, one, two, three...

Nov 19, 2011 23:56

Livejournal name anuna_81

My request Something that has to do with winter weather, the cold, the turn of the seasons. Five winters fic? (Someone asked for a snow-y fic, which inspired my own request. If that's considered copying, I sincerely apologize. I do have more prompts!) We all know John Sheppard is a huge fan of music, so give me something that has something to do with music (music he likes). I'll be super happy if it's rock music. Or, if you're in a really insane mood, try crossing over SGA and Harry Potter (and make me laugh).

What I'm willing to do Pretty much anything. I write almost all genres (not horror, lol!), and I do write all ratings. Things I don't want to write are tragic endings, dub con, non con, and generally dark stuff. I'm not good at those, and I'm not in the mood to write those.

I don't want: Character death, unhappy endings, dub con or non con. Please, no sad things! It's Christmas.

Are you willing to be stand in writer: No, sorry.


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